
abhor idea in a sentence

1) I abhor even more the idea of social engineering.

2) They abhor ordinary people's ideas and values.

3) There are singles who long above all else for marriage, and those who abhor the very idea .

abhor idea example sentences

4) Both groups abhor the idea that society could change so as to include and accommodate GLBT people.

5) I abhor the idea that social mobility, which is what I am talking about, is accidental.

6) Educators, and others, who abhor the idea of a world filled with TV's graduates are clearly out of step with the times.

7) The United States, however, abhorred the idea of the their latest technological advances falling into the hands of a possible future combat opponent.

8) Despite this, he abhorred the idea that North Korea could (or should) depend on the two nations and did not want to dogmatically follow their example.

9) A joint assassination could be carried out during dinner; this idea was abandoned as supporting officers abhorred the idea of shooting the unarmed tyrant.

10) While Kevin's reactionary sister is prejudiced against African-Americans, Dana's uncle abhors the idea of a white man eventually inheriting his property.

11) In 1806, for example, one member of the Commons said, "the Constitution abhors the idea of a prime minister".

12) Other clients may abhor the idea , fear repercussions from the shareholders, or generally be averse to any campaign that doesn't result in short term profits.

13) " Clark's son, George, tried to convince Eddy to take up Spiritualism, but he said she abhorred the idea .

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