
abet crime in a sentence

1) It also found him guilty on the basis of aiding and abetting the same crimes .

2) But being hired by a criminal to function legally as a lawyer is not aiding and abetting the crime .

3) They're even worse when they act to cover up, excuse, minimize, or abet serious crimes .

abet crime example sentences

4) The Appeals Chamber reversed Đorđević's convictions on the basis of aiding and abetting the crimes committed in Kosovo.

5) The Prosecution thus requests the Appeals Chamber to reconsider its decision to acquit Momčilo Perišić for aiding and abetting the crimes in Sarajevo and Srebrenica.

6) As Silja J.A. Talvi writes in " Finally, Justice In Tulia ," Coleman's crime was abetted by the entire Sheriff's Department and the larger community.

7) Nikola Sainovic, Nebojsa Pavkovic and Sreten Lukic were convicted as members of the joint criminal enterprise, while others are convicted of aiding and abetting crimes .

8) Šainović, Pavković and Lukić were convicted as members of a "joint criminal enterprise", while the others were convicted of aiding and abetting crimes .

9) Stanišić and Simatović were further charged with planning, ordering, and otherwise aiding and abetting the crimes committed by the special units.

10) 'If the bank is the custodian of someone else's money then it is aiding and abetting a crime .

11) The indictment further states that Johan Tarculovski "aided and abetted the crimes charged in the indictment by virtue of his participation in the attack on Ljuboten..."

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