
aberrational in a sentence

1) It characterized the incident as " aberrational ".

2) Ray's dive into the murky world of newspaper vendors is not aberrational or idiosyncratic.

3) The margin of defeat for villagers was too small, too slander, to be aberrational .

aberrational example sentences

4) He also said , "any aberrational circumstances that have resulted are due to errors at the trial court level.

5) This gives an angular correction __FORMULA__ which can be solved to give __FORMULA__, the same as the aberrational correction.

6) Rejected fifty years ago as aberrational and heretical, many of the same manifestations have reemerged in Holy Laughter and The Toronto Blessing Movements.

7) A great 2013 will make last year 's disappointment appear aberrational and put him in line for a gigantic, multi-year payday at age 29.

8) " "News of the World" editor Colin Myler told the PCC that Goodman's hacking was " aberrational ", "a rogue exception" of a single journalist.

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