
aberrant expression in a sentence

1) Research has shown that aberrant expression of microRNAs is involved in cancer development .

2) These promoters can cause aberrant expression of linked genes, causing disease or mutant phenotypes.

3) In addition to cancer, ncRNAs also exhibit aberrant expression in other disease states.

aberrant expression example sentences

4) Genomic imprinting under such conditions can cause loss of expression or aberrant expression of alleles.

5) Taken together, these observations suggest aberrant expression of MUC13 may affect colon cancer pathogenesis.

6) Loss of that methylation can induce the aberrant expression of oncogenes, leading to cancer pathogenesis.

7) aberrant expression of miRNAs has been implicated in numerous disease states, and miRNA-based therapies are under investigation.

8) aberrant HLA-DR expression in the intestinal mucosa of Crohn's disease patients is consistent with an autoimmune aetiology.

9) One model proposes that aberrant expression of CD154 may be responsible for such autoimmunity in patients with CLL.

10) CBFA2T3B is a potential tumor suppressor gene affected by LOH, aberrant gene expression and promoter methylation in breast cancer.

11) This can lead to aberrant expression of EVI1, and, as shown in the figure below, commonly involved chromosomal breakpoints have been mapped extensively.

12) H19 is also known as BWS because aberrant H19 expression can be involved in Beckwith-Wiedemann Syndrome ("BWS"), as well as Silver-Russell syndrome.

13) These genes have been discovered also in the case of cancer stem cells, and shows that their aberrant expression is essential for the formation of tumor cell mass.

14) Since aberrant gene expression is a hallmark of cancer, modulating these endogenous genes' expression levels could potentially act as a therapy for multiple cancer types.

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