
aberrant behaviour in a sentence

1) The animal is still obviously wild and not showing any aberrant behaviour .

2) You figure you've got a handle on all but the most aberrant human behaviour .

3) But it also fulfils a wider social purpose in setting standards for the markets and in discouraging aberrant behaviour .

aberrant behaviour example sentences

4) But if more deaths among the female goats resulted from the aberrant male breeding behaviour in this population, what caused them to behave so in the first place?

5) And until today, none of the graduates had shown any aberrant behaviour ." There was a pause while Gendo watched the others take this in.

6) The insights of psychoanalysis fed into a science of the child mind which rooted behaviour, particularly aberrant behaviour , firmly in family relations.

7) Mission crewmember and HAL 9000 's creator, Dr. Chandra, reactivates the computer to ascertain the cause of his earlier aberrant behaviour .

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