
abductor in a sentence

1) The identity of his abductors was never established.

2) Her abductor was trying to find a girlfriend.

3) The passengers were released only after family members paid their abductors .

abductor example sentences

4) His abductors were reported to be in police custody.

5) Would someone have noticed them struggling against their abductor ?

6) Generally, the abductor takes the woman while she is alone.

7) Their abductors killed their Libyan driver in front of them.

8) The abductors do not appear to wear gloves during the "examination.

9) The abductors were teenage insurgents from the Hizbul Islam fundamentalist group.

10) Michael and Sara check the note they took from their abductor .

11) Madeleine's mother believes that the abductor may have seen the note.

12) The abductor is an FBI operative flown in to intimidate the mayor.

13) Sometimes the alleged abductors appear to make mistakes when returning their captives.

14) In Israel, archaeologist Grace Madison shoots her daughter's abductor .

15) When sitting with the knees flexed it acts as an abductor .

use abductor in a sentence

16) After killing Jain , the abductors buried his body in the jungle.

17) It is rare that the mare's original abductor keeps her for long.

18) The weaknesses will be primarily the abductor musculature of the high side.

19) Several bounding Dobermans come out and scare the abductor away.

20) Or, pursue a firm policy of not dealing with abductors and hijackers?

21) Should they negotiate with abductors and hijackers to secure the release of citizens?

22) Rojas also said the family has still not been contacted by the abductors .

23) Muscle strengthening involves working on the hip abductors , external rotators and extensors.

24) Obasanjo had ordered the Bayelsa governor to arrest the abductors within 14 days .

25) Each jaw is moved in the transverse plane by powerful adductor and abductor muscles.

26) Though an abductor of Zula, he is reasonably kind to her.

27) The abductors refuse to give Foster any explanation as to what is happening.

28) HRT rescued a teenager by killing her abductor on August 10, 2013.

How to use abductor in a sentence

29) Do you think their abductors will not separate the girls based on religion.

30) Alerts usually contain a description of the child and of the likely abductor .

31) Both men pulled on the cowl hoods to prevent them seeing their abductors .

32) The abductors speak to the abductee.

33) The largest and longest muscles of the little toe is the abductor digiti minimi.

34) The police estimated that the abductor was 5'10" and weighed around 170 pounds.

35) The abductor will then hide his intended bride and rape her until she becomes pregnant.

36) The abductors are Altair's spider-type harvesting mecha.

37) Nevertheless, the responsibility for this church leader's death must lie with his abductors .

38) A homeless man living in an abandoned subway station identifies the abductor as Killer Croc.

39) X-23 tracks the abductor to his apartment, kills him, and frees Megan.

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