
abdominal radiograph in a sentence

1) Serial abdominal radiographs showed resolution of the previously seen dilated colon.

2) abdominal radiographs are the tried and true method of diagnosing abdominal disease.

3) One of the subtleties of interpreting abdominal radiographs is peritoneal detail.

abdominal radiograph example sentences

4) Plain abdominal radiographs are also quite valuable in assessment of the traumatized abdomen.

5) abdominal radiographs show a collection of radiopaque material in the cranioventral abdomen.

6) A plain supine abdominal radiograph showed gaseous dilatation of the transverse colon and small bowel.

7) abdominal radiographs can confirm the diagnosis, but smaller enteroliths may not be visible.

8) Plain abdominal radiographs may show the outline of an aneurysm when its walls are calcified.

9) abdominal radiographs , abdominal ultrasound, and intravenous contrast studies may be necessary to diagnose ureter rupture.

10) The resident seminar held exactly what the title implied: a REVIEW on clinical approach to abdominal radiographs .

11) On abdominal radiographs , there is a large mid abdominal mass which is displacing small intestine to the periphery.

12) abdominal radiographs abdominal radiographs should be obtained in a patient that is persistently vomiting or has abdominal pain.

13) If you have an animal with abdominal disease, should you take abdominal radiographs or do an ultrasound?

14) Diagnosis relies on accurate clinical assessment and is confirmed by plain abdominal radiographs , which often show massive colonic dilatation.

15) One comment I liked about a systematic approach was to read an abdominal radiograph like you are doing an ultrasound.

use abdominal radiograph in a sentence

16) abdominal radiographs or x-rays.

17) abdominal radiographs or Ultrasound?

18) It is more difficult to see on the ventrodorsal projection, which as you mentioned, is common in abdominal radiographs .

19) A plain abdominal radiograph showed gaseous distension of the transverse colon (distal transverse colon diameter 10 cm) with mucosal oedema.

20) Doctors suspected a foreign body because of the past surgery and the fact that abdominal radiographs showed radiopaque marker in her stomach.

21) abdominal radiographs may be needed to assess the positions of the abdominal organs, the size of the liver, and the presence of ascitic fluid.

22) The symptoms did not improve and a repeat abdominal radiograph the following day showed a cecal diameter of 10.5 cm and transverse colon diameter of 11 cm.

23) abdominal radiographs 6. +/- Ultrasonography 7.

24) The abdominal radiographs for this cat showed a cranial abdominal mass which [...]

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