
abdominal muscle in a sentence

1) Be sure your abdominal muscles are contracted.

2) The abdominal muscles have different important functions.

3) It later affects the proximal leg and abdominal wall muscles .

abdominal muscle example sentences

4) Your oblique abdominal muscle will contract as rib cage rotates.

5) If necessary, contract your abdominal muscles again.

6) They usually involve the abdominal muscles or the legs.

7) Stand up straight and relax your abdominal muscles .

8) This muscle is the innermost abdominal muscle .

9) The external abdominal oblique muscle is sharply divided in a vertical direction.

10) We want to allow the abdominal muscles to move naturally.

11) muscle strength (especially in the abdominal muscles ).

12) Other sources also credit core abdominal muscles and a faster arm swing.

13) One type of exercise to reduce stomach directly targets the abdominal muscles .

14) Inhaling is automatic - the abdominal muscles will relax automatically.

15) Strong abdominal muscles can help support the load, as well.

use abdominal muscle in a sentence

16) This frees your rib cage and abdominal muscles to perform important stabilizing functions.

17) The rectus abdominus muscle is not the most superficial abdominal muscle .

18) The deepest abdominal muscle (transversus abdominis) contracts first.

19) Tighten your abdominal muscles as much as you can.

20) Also, when strengthened, the abdominal muscles provide flexibility as well.

21) The excess skin is trimmed away and the abdominal muscles are tightened and repaired.

22) Tighten your abdominal muscles and extend your legs in a slow motion.

23) This is because they use their abdominal muscles to breathe during locomotion.

24) This relaxes the abdominal muscles and provides relief to the lower back .

25) This exercise tones the outer thighs as well as the lower abdominal muscles .

26) Shortened, contracted abdominal muscles are lethal to a well-functioning nervous system.

27) Your abdominal muscles , thigh and buttock should not move during the exercise.

28) Good depth indicates strong abdominal muscles , which are important for strength and speed.

How to use abdominal muscle in a sentence

29) For example, push-ups from the knees will strengthen the abdominal muscles .

30) But it can also cause the back and abdominal muscles to weaken.

31) Strong abdominal muscles will prevent you from having a 'pot belly'.

32) Should a singer do special exercises to strengthen his or her abdominal muscles ?

33) abdominal muscles that are pushed out.

34) Core muscles include abdominal muscles , back muscles and muscles in the pelvic region.

35) Lower your foot to the floor while being sure to contract your abdominal muscles .

36) For this, the arm, back, and abdominal muscles are used.

37) Contracting your abdominal muscles , pull your belly-button area in toward your spine.

38) Lower back problems always include shortness in the thigh, pelvis and abdominal muscles .

39) Horses with slab-sided ribs tend to have less-developed abdominal muscles and less stamina.

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