
abdominal incision in a sentence

1) The oldest known technique is abdominal incision .

2) In this case a full abdominal incision is made.

3) The need for large abdominal incisions is virtually eliminated.

abdominal incision example sentences

4) General anesthesia and an abdominal incision are not required.

5) Top left: failed wound: a clean contaminated abdominal incision .

6) Looking at the food was like staring into an abdominal incision .

7) Then all tissue to be removed is passed through the small abdominal incisions .

8) Mesh is used mainly when surgery is done using a laparoscope or an abdominal incision .

9) Endometriosis may spread to the cervix and vagina or to sites of a surgical abdominal incision .

10) Through a midline abdominal incision , a cholecystectomy was performed and the lesser pancreatic duct was ligated.

11) It also avoids the need for a large abdominal incision , which reduces infection risk associated with open surgery.

12) The most common type is radical retropubic prostatectomy, when the surgeon removes the prostate through an abdominal incision .

13) This option may be appropriate for some patients, and allows for a quick recovery without any abdominal incisions .

14) The bladder is exteriorized by grasping the calculus and slowly pulling the bladder to the level of the abdominal incision .

15) Most hysterectomies in the United States are done via laparotomy ( abdominal incision , not to be confused with laparoscopy ).

use abdominal incision in a sentence

16) For the abdominal incision he used the modified Joel Cohen incision and compared the longitudinal abdominal structures to strings on musical instruments.

17) The primary advantages of laparoscopic techniques are that they negate the need for large abdominal incisions and minimize the postoperative recovery time.

18) NOTES eliminates the need for abdominal incisions altogether by using natural openings in the body (mouth, vagina or rectum) to access the abdominal cavity.

19) Weakening of surgical closures over time may result in the development of an incisional hernia, which is estimated to occur in 3-13% of primary abdominal incisions .

20) Surgery in the abdomen requires creation and subsequent closure of an abdominal incision that is never as strong as the original abdominal wall.

21) For open surgery, the risk is of general anesthesia and of the abdominal incision , but most important is the consequence of the incision in the uterus itself.

22) The testis is detached from surrounding tissues (B) and pulled out of the abdominal incision attached to the spermatic cord (C).

23) One of the images posted here depict a particular patient, in whom the midline abdominal incision healed well, free of keloid or even hypertrophic scarring.

24) The cautery instrument is removed and replaced by the grasping instrument, which is used to pull the ovary out through the small abdominal incision (port).

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