
abdominal aorta in a sentence

1) Animals were killed by exsanguination via the abdominal aorta under inhaled ether anaesthesia.

2) The descending aorta is further subdivided into the thoracic arota and abdominal aorta .

3) A rupture of the abdominal aorta is a life-threatening condition, as it can cause significant internal bleeding.

abdominal aorta example sentences

4) If the aortic dissection involves the abdominal aorta , compromise of the branches of the abdominal aorta is possible.

5) If the aortic dissection involves the abdominal aorta, compromise of the branches of the abdominal aorta is possible.

6) Out of 100 patients, 4.4 on average died after surgery to repair a weakness in their abdominal aorta .

7) He visits Genghis Mao and informs the dictator of an aneurysm he detected in the dictator's abdominal aorta .

8) The kidneys receive blood from the renal arteries, left and right, which branch directly from the abdominal aorta .

9) Even though the two bullets missed his mesenteric artery and abdominal aorta , he lost nearly three-quarters of his blood.

10) When a weakened area of the abdominal aorta expands, the result is an abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA).

11) Syphilitic aneurysms most commonly occur in that part of the aorta which is found in the chest, but occasionally are found in the abdominal aorta .

12) The most common location of arterial aneurysm formation is the abdominal aorta , specifically, the segment of the abdominal aorta below the kidneys.

13) The most common location of arterial aneurysm formation is the abdominal aorta, specifically, the segment of the abdominal aorta below the kidneys.

14) The abdominal aorta , which supplies oxygen rich blood to the lower part of the body, is the largest artery in the body.

15) The celiac, superior mesenteric, suprarenal, renal, gonadal, and inferior mesenteric arteries branch from the abdominal aorta to supply the abdominal viscera.

use abdominal aorta in a sentence

16) Three aortae leave the systemic heart, two minor ones (the abdominal aorta and the gonadal aorta) and one major one, the dorsal aorta which services most of the body.

17) The renal artery of the kidney, previously branching from the abdominal aorta in the donor, is often connected to the external iliac artery in the recipient.

18) The diameter decreases from the root to the bifurcation, and the wall of the abdominal aorta also contains a lesser proportion of elastin.

19) In the pelvis area, at the level of the last lumbar vertebra, the abdominal aorta , a continuation the descending aorta, splits into a pair of common iliac arteries.

20) MRA is often used to evaluate the arteries of the neck and brain, the thoracic and abdominal aorta , the renal arteries, and the legs (called a "run-off").

21) Before the newborns were seven days old , the researchers scanned their abdominal aorta , the portion of the artery that extends down to the abdomen.

22) A case of aneurism of abdominal aorta 1869

23) Smokers are very much more likely to die from a ruptured aneurysm of the abdominal aorta than nonsmokers [7].

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