
abdomen in a sentence

1) The abdomen was guarded and quite tender.

2) A sinking feeling was reaching her abdomen .

3) Her lower back and abdomen were badly infected.

abdomen example sentences

4) There is general poor detail over the abdomen area.

5) Over the last few weeks its abdomen has swelled greatly.

6) The abdomen may be swollen and very tender.

7) Dre was stabbed in the abdomen during high school.

8) The abdomen or body is composed of nine segments.

9) Previous radiotherapy delivered to the upper abdomen .

10) The lower boundary of abdomen occasionally forms a deep curve.

11) It was massive explosive injury to spine and abdomen .

12) This further segmentation is usually best seen on the abdomen .

13) She had been stabbed in the abdomen .

14) I am suffering from lower abdomen pain since a month.

15) At that stage the abdomen was soft.

use abdomen in a sentence

16) Pink stretch marks sometimes appear on the abdomen .

17) Your whole abdomen is used to empty the lungs very quickly.

18) The male's abdomen is somewhat bronze in color.

19) He kicked hard against Alexei's abdomen .

20) Alpha females perform abdomen stroking more than subordinate females.

21) It separates your chest cavity from your abdomen .

22) This is accomplished by trapping air on the abdomen .

23) This may in turn reduce pain in the abdomen .

24) Pain shoots across the abdomen , causing doubling up.

25) How would you describe a normal abdomen ?

26) He has no more drains from his abdomen .

27) She was shot in the head and abdomen .

28) Does your abdomen bulge forward in a little pot shape?

How to use abdomen in a sentence

29) The baby is taken out through the mother's abdomen .

30) Like heat or massage to the lower abdomen ?

31) Normally, the chest and abdomen move together during respiration.

32) Round the abdomen measurement down to the nearest quarter inch.

33) It covered the abdomen , pelvis and pelvic limbs.

34) That student suffered an injury to his abdomen .

35) The officer was seriously injured with gunshot wounds to the abdomen .

36) A black transverse band edged with gold is on the abdomen .

37) The region enclosed by the abdomen is termed the abdominal cavity.

38) Its action is the compression of the abdomen .

39) Captain Knox was shot in the abdomen .

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