
abbreviate form in a sentence

1) In the oblique, there are additional abbreviated forms .

2) Acronyms denoted abbreviated form of some phrase.

3) The titles given to the amendments below are in an abbreviated form .

abbreviate form example sentences

4) Most commands in Vi have abbreviated forms for convenience.

5) The TDB is an abbreviated form of the KJV.

6) Commonplace materials are written with an intentionally abbreviated form of the name.

7) A few sequences were eventually used in BT in modified or abbreviated form .

8) The Supplemental American Indian questionnaire was back, but in abbreviated form .

9) Often an abbreviated form is used, such as "pHarris I".

10) Short division is an abbreviated form of long division suitable for one-digit divisors.

11) Where appropriate, the abbreviated form is shown to the right of the statement.

12) form S-18 is an abbreviated registration form for certain offerings not exceeding $5,000,000.

13) The majority of simplified characters are drawn from conventional abbreviated forms , or ancient standard forms.

14) In a simple summons, the particulars appear in abbreviated form , often in one line.

15) Some commands had no abbreviated form , either due to brevity or ambiguity with other commands.

use abbreviate form in a sentence

16) Eventually, monograms and other symbols were replaced with abbreviated forms of the moneyer's name.

17) It is obvious that the abbreviated form of a number is unique, up to digit permutations.

18) Napier called this operation the abbreviation and the resulting location numeral the abbreviated form of a number.

19) An abbreviated form of the argument "does" make these claims, by confusing probability with certainty.

20) Rūm is probably an abbreviated form of a personal name, like Rūmwald (glorious leader).

21) Prior to this the list had appeared in abbreviated form in publications such as "The Echo".

22) Boenninghausen broke up the words of the provers and redistributed the symptoms in abbreviated form in different chapters.

23) Designations are abbreviated forms of the complete genotype (for example, 6H represents p 6 H ).

24) However Chisholm has abolished this form: he has not attempted to write any movement in abbreviated Sonata form .

25) There is an infrequently used abbreviated form of the test that consists of the MMPI-2's first 370 items.

26) The information is provided in an abbreviated form with several references in the guideline, and additional comments in italics.

27) The beginning of the gospel (13.6) has parallels to the Gospel of Luke but in abbreviated form .

28) Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide exists in two forms, an oxidized and reduced form abbreviated as NAD and NADH respectively.

How to use abbreviate form in a sentence

29) Perhaps more important, it allows readers who have seen a name in abbreviated form to look up the individual.

30) The Academic Board shall approve a list of titles of available awards with their abbreviated forms from time to time.

31) A severely abbreviated form of the litany is given in the official text for the Rite of Baptism of Children.

32) And again in abbreviated form that, I just want to take you through the molecular basis for endotoxin action.

33) Figs, grapes or pomegranates do not require the full "Birkat Hamazon", but rather an abbreviated form .

34) From then on West German sources avoided the abbreviated form , with the exception of left-leaning organizations which embraced it.

35) It is interesting to note that amulets are actually often abbreviated forms of the formulas found in the extant magical papyri.

36) They also use the abbreviated forms "Cal Poly San Luis Obispo" and "Cal Poly Pomona" respectively.

37) Small Vespers is a very abbreviated form of the service which is celebrated only on the afternoon before an All-Night Vigil.

38) They are also referred to as SoShi () or SNSD, both abbreviated forms of the group's Korean-language name.

39) In imperial China, clerks used an abbreviated , highly cursive form of Chinese characters to record court proceedings and criminal confessions.

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