
abbess in a sentence

1) For about 170 years no abbesses are documented.

2) Women may serve in positions such as abbess .

3) The historical roles of abbesses have varied.

abbess example sentences

4) In modern times, abbesses have lost their aristocratic trappings.

5) The English version for a female monastic head is abbess .

6) The sister vicar did not last long as abbess .

7) abbess crammed the camera into corners to shoot scenes.

8) The abbess and nuns were all granted annual pensions 12 days later.

9) The abbess ' was 200 marks a year.

10) Clearly the abbess was the overall presiding officer.

11) She served as abbess there until her death.

12) abbess described this as the hardest scene to shoot.

13) Martha and Mary and became its abbess .

14) The abbess offers to pray for it.

15) abbess Anastasia: This is good because weakness may cause temptations.

use abbess in a sentence

16) Mathilde was not an abbess who remained secluded in monastic silence.

17) The first abbess was a "Arellano".

18) abbesses and prioresses may also be known as mother superior.

19) In Spain and France certain Cistercian abbesses had extraordinary privileges.

20) abbess Mechthildis, once pious mother of this convent.

21) This Irish female name was also shared by four abbesses of Kildare.

22) The abbess told him it was time to say vespers.

23) The abbess had precedence over all the other abbesses in England.

24) The abbess had precedence over all the other abbesses in England.

25) Ethelburga served as the Abbey's first abbess .

26) abbess says, "There hadn't really been a movie about angels.

27) The abbess tries to discourage her from working with the irreverent Beethoven.

28) They chose Catherine as their abbess .

How to use abbess in a sentence

29) According to abbess , finding funding for the film was "impossibly hard.

30) Benedictine abbesses wear a cross or crucifix on a chain around their neck.

31) Many abbots and abbesses asked her for prayers and opinions on various matters.

32) In 1523, Juana was renamed abbess .

33) Some were encouraging, but some were insisting the abbess abandon the work.

34) Thorn was an imperial abbey, so the abbess was an Imperial Princess.

35) Due to her actions, she was promoted to abbess of the convent.

36) Eadburh was appointed abbess under the patronage of King Wulfhere of Mercia.

37) The disadvantage was that it restricted where director Shane abbess could place the camera.

38) Certain abbesses have received and assumed the privilege of wearing a ring of office.

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