
abattoir in a sentence

1) There was formerly a large abattoir behind the public toilets.

2) He turned to abattoirs for spare parts .

3) The car was like a mobile abattoir .

abattoir example sentences

4) A makeshift abattoir was built to provide the meat for consumption.

5) There is also an abattoir on site.

6) The cattle races leading into the abattoir were in good order.

7) The interview cabin appeared to him like an abattoir .

8) In 1988 there were approximately 1,000 abattoirs in Britain.

9) These facilities included weaving mills, furnishers, printers and abattoirs .

10) The standards required of commercial-grade abattoirs were imposed on everyone .

11) In recent years both Belfast and Bangor abattoirs have also closed.

12) Two large abattoirs are located in the Rockhampton area.

13) The discovered horsemeat was traced to a Polish abattoir .

14) You'd sooner see a vegetarian at an abattoir .

15) In September 2013 an illegal mobile abattoir was found in Newry.

use abattoir in a sentence

16) Convinced that Chicago better because abattoir still functions.

17) The cubicle like an abattoir : walls splashed with blood.

18) Sometimes, an abattoir will have a butchering service attached.

19) Welcome to the abattoir that is Red Square, Stalingrad.

20) Worked in an abattoir to put himself through matriculation.

21) The closure of many local abattoirs meant that animals were now transported greater distances.

22) The two abattoirs in Australia licensed to export horse meat are Belgian-owned.

23) In the 19th century one of the town's abattoirs stood here.

24) The investigation reviewed the allegations made by the Egyptian veterinarian and abattoir worker.

25) The abattoir of the lonely assassins!

26) Morrisons owns its own abattoirs which gives tighter controls over the supply chain .

27) The specific allegations made about the Ismailia abattoir could not be substantiated.

28) The Corporation also runs an abattoir .

How to use abattoir in a sentence

29) The abattoir is there for a reason, and doing a great job.

30) And they stank, stank like cattle carcases outside an abattoir .

31) The investigation team concluded that operations at the abattoir met OIE animal welfare recommendations.

32) We took Henry to the abattoir in Dunblane on 26th September.

33) These include sugarbeet factories, breweries, abattoirs , flour mills and agricultural engineering.

34) Yet I eat my Big Mac without thought of abattoirs or anonymous bovines.

35) For that it must be slaughtered in an abattoir and have accompanying certification.

36) The abattoir had been fighting closure for years after increased European competition began to hit.

37) In the east, the Harris abattoir was established in Toronto in 1896.

38) The abattoir in the story is fantastic, straight out of Hieronymous Bosch.

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