
abatis in a sentence

1) The leading attackers rushed forward to the abatis .

2) And they had significant difficulty pushing through the strong osage-orange abatis .

3) The fort could hold eighty men within the palisade and abatis .

abatis example sentences

4) In 1638 there was a major rebuilding of the abatis Line.

5) Forts south of the abatis Line were linked up.

6) From the 1550s troops began mustering on the emerging abatis Line.

7) Rice had placed the Union forces behind breastworks, abatis and rifle pits.

8) In 1666 the abatis Line was completed south of the Oka.

9) Rifle volleys from behind abatis caused the Confederates to stop for the night.

10) Izard's troops began steady, rolling volleys into the abatis and trees.

11) In the southeast portion of the line, Osage-orange shrubs formed almost impenetrable abatis .

12) Attempts to clear the abatis in font of the works by gunfire were unsuccessful.

13) Hampton did not order any guns to be brought forward to destroy the abatis .

14) Kershaw's men charged into the abatis twice and were driven back with heavy losses.

15) The abatis Line underwent a major reconstruction in 1638 and again in 1659–60.

use abatis in a sentence

16) But the attack stalled as the troops clawed their way through abatis under heavy musketry.

17) The Rhode Islanders waited until their Hessian adversaries reached the abatis and then opened fire.

18) An advance guard from Curtis's Brigade used axes to cut through the palisades and abatis .

19) They hacked through the abatis , crossed a ditch and climbed the parapet into the redoubt.

20) Though they were sprayed by grapeshot from American gunboats, the grenadiers forced their way into the abatis .

21) Dunovant's men advanced as far as the ditch and abatis , but were driven back by heavy fire.

22) The use of cannon against the French works would have cleared paths through the abatis and breached the breastworks.

23) Off to the left, the 2nd Battalion of the 57th defended a wooded area surrounded by abatis .

24) The French began to hack at the abatis and a Hessian sentry came out and asked who was there.

25) Most of its length consisted of abatis , which is a barrier built from felled trees arranged as a barricade.

26) abatis Dublin tree services contact us today So that is it from us at abatis Dublin tree services for today .

27) abatis Dublin tree services contact us today So that is it from us at abatis Dublin tree services for today .

28) Since fruit trees made excellent " abatis ", James Whitall's nearby orchard was entirely cut down for the purpose.

How to use abatis in a sentence

29) The fine works, forts and abatis , and especially Fort Rains, at Tullahoma, are objects of intense interest.

30) Second, the fortifications had been built overnight by tired troops and consisted of shallow trenches with no head logs or abatis .

31) The Confederates were pushed off the Lee's Mill Road and back into the woods and the abatis of their defensive positions.

32) Meanwhile at Lomitten, Dokhturov's troops fought their way through the abatis in their initial rush only to be thrown back.

33) The whole country is one vast fort, and Johnston must have at least fifty miles of connected trenches, with abatis and finished batteries.

34) At the University of Tampa, he edited three critically acclaimed journals of poetry, Poetry Review (1964-1971), UT Review (1972-1982), and abatis (1983-1986).

35) The Spanish column overran the pickets and the outpost line, but the soldiers were brought to a stand by a dense abatis .

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