
abate somewhat in a sentence

1) By 1939 the anti-Semitic riots in our region had abated somewhat .

2) Towards evening, rain streamed down heavily, abating somewhat with night.

3) The two catch up, with Goat's paranoia somewhat abated .

abate somewhat example sentences

4) Since World War II anti-Catholic feeling in England has abated somewhat .

5) Controversy surrounding these issues has abated somewhat , but has not gone away entirely.

6) Little pricy but the quality feel of the product somewhat abates the sticker-shock.

7) By now, the fantasy has somewhat abated and some reality has entered the relationship.

8) Inflation pressures appear to have abated somewhat following a run-up during the first half of 2006.

9) These proceed from imagination and affection, and abate somewhat of the angular distinctness of objects.

10) Shasti, 3WA Agent, Ultimas." The woman's anger abated somewhat .

11) But she couldn't resist taking a discreet look around, after the storm had abated somewhat .

12) Shelling abated somewhat during the Battle of Magersfontein when the Boer siege guns were temporarily brought to bear there.

13) The home side's onslaught abated somewhat , and the game settled into a battle between the 22 metre lines.

14) Inflation abated somewhat in late 1989, as food supplies grew and the Central Bank of Nigeria tightened monetary policy.

15) Credit quality of existing clients deteriorated further since our last report, although lenders noted the pace of deterioration had abated somewhat .

use abate somewhat in a sentence

16) However, if water temperatures are colder than the land at night, the sea breeze may continue, only somewhat abated .

17) In Her anger somewhat abated , she held her moonlike face in her hand, while I, all my stratagems abandoned, took only to groveling at her feet.

18) Because of the new relationships which developed during the war, particularly regarding Syria, the desire to hire Syrians has abated somewhat .

19) Although the not-in-my-back-yard problem has abated somewhat over the years, it is still a significant obstacle to the siting of new facilities.

20) After drifting for the entire night and day that followed, the water finally rose, the storm somewhat abated , and the ship veered right round.

21) In June 2001, the angle grew in intensity as the WWF storylines somewhat abated to make room for the central Invasion storyline.

22) They 've abated somewhat in the fresh air but I'd better get meself indoors and have a nice hot bath – that's if the boiler's not playing up again!

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