
abate nuisance in a sentence

1) The traditional method for abating a nuisance is an injunction.

2) They must first order the respondent to abate the nuisance .

3) abate nuisances in accordance with law.

abate nuisance example sentences

4) The Town is authorized to pursue criminal and civil remedies to abate nuisances within Trophy Club.

5) The court may include such terms in a nuisance order as it considers necessary to abate the odour nuisance .

6) In addition to money damages, you may also wish to abate a private nuisance by removing or destroying it completely.

7) Should Defendant make real and demonstrable progress toward abating the nuisance posed by its properties, Defendant may file a motion to mitigate its sentence.

8) By April of 1824 he had failed to abate the nuisance , and it was decided to present him with a formal notice to desist.

9) The necessary costs to the county to abate a nuisance on property held in trust by the county treasurer for delinquent taxes are legally chargeable against the property.

10) Actions taken by an owner to abate a public nuisance as defined in this section shall not be deemed to be violations of Fair Housing or Landlord-Tenant laws. (Jeff.

11) In abating a private nuisance , care must be taken not to do more damage than is necessary for the removal of the nuisance.

12) A private person or a public official extrajudicially abating a nuisance shall be liable for damages:

13) (1) That demand be first made upon the owner or possessor of the property to abate the nuisance ;

14) requiring the defendant to comply with the abatement or prohibition notice or otherwise abate the nuisance in a specified time, and to carry out any necessary works,

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