
abash in a sentence

1) Hell stands abashed and earth's foundations shake?

2) Trouble is, it's fairly easily abashed .

3) Vincent had the grace to look abashed .

abash example sentences

4) Vice shrunk back abashed into the shade.

5) The poor, abashed fellow was covered with mortification.

6) abashed , he let the women pass on.

7) When she saw Owen she stopped, abashed .

8) abash you so much for the connotation.

9) If so, I am not abashed .

10) Dotty was not the slightest bit abashed .

11) Anne chuckled and looked only a little abashed .

12) She was abashed at herself, her triteness.

13) City boy Nick Xenophon looked only mildly abashed .

14) A frustrated sadist, he normally appears meek and easily abashed .

15) Astonished and abashed , the monks hurried from the room.

16) Catching Loretta's eye, he looked abashed .

17) The boy looked down, abashed .

18) He looked at them in bewilderment as they stood, abashed .

use abash in a sentence

19) Denis found himself a little abashed , and rose to cover his embarrassment.

20) abashed , I made my way back to the Holiday Inn.

21) When she noticed the king's eyes upon her, Victoria Eugenie felt abashed .

22) Pundarika feels abashed , and asks for his rosary back in mock-anger.

23) abashed , she tried to shrink behind the sacrificial stone, and hid her eyes.

24) Nabiki: ( abashed ) Sorry.

25) Rosy dew-drops hung on swaying trees; Diamonds were abashed and pearls found blame.

26) He mumbled unintelligibly and looked abashed .

27) Had Tirion not known the man better, he might have thought he looked abashed .

28) abashed , he becomes restless.

How to use abash in a sentence

29) Let us not, however, stand abashed in wonderment at what the estate agents achieved.

30) Haavikko looked down, abashed .

31) Fortunately, you gave up your life of crime long ago but that abashed memory still stings.

32) At Tsu Ma's toast, however, she looked down sharply, as if abashed .

33) When she came to the river the horse was standing there, head hung as if abashed .

34) Would have abashed a storm-trooper.

35) The people seem to have no liking for me.' Getting nothing, he becomes abashed .

36) After the first shock he was in no way abashed by the grandeur of Stephen's estate.

37) They were disconcerted and abashed , recognizing, but not confessing, the presence of a superior being.

38) Juliet looked suitably abashed .

39) I looked suitably abashed .

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