
abasement in a sentence

1) Anything!" They groveled in mindless abasement .

2) Deeply religious as it was, it elevated theology from its abasement .

3) Life-changers welcome this act of abasement as the first step to learning humility .

abasement example sentences

4) His degradation and abasement were, in the eyes of those Ferrands, complete.

5) The sort of abasement novices have to go through before they are admitted to an order.

6) As Westerners we tend to think of prostrating as a gesture of defeat or abasement .

7) Who else but Him can enrich the destitute, and deliver the fallen from his abasement ?

8) The Quran requires their " abasement and poverty" in the form of the poll tax jizya.

9) The narrowly defined crime of can abasement was promoted this spring by the state's portable toilet industry.

10) Chief Inspector was slightly more than just a copper, Meredith thought wryly, amused at his apparent self abasement .

11) Nothing is more lofty than the abasement of the Cross, since there we truly approach the height of love!

12) The one is a result of a noble self respect, the other the fruit of a degraded self abasement .

13) A pied-piper's trail of opportunity discarded, needless abasement endured, and a grievous ransom paid in blood and treasure.

14) Its use, it would seem, could end only in a complete enfeeblement of meaning and a general abasement of values.

15) Just as you believed the angels incredible message that you would become the Mother of the Most High, so too you believed at the hour of his greatest abasement .

16) The negative pole, abasement , is even more destructive; to abase yourself is to have no respect at all for your merits.

17) His abasement at Canossa can be regarded as a move of policy to strengthen the pope's position at the cost of a personal humiliation to himself.

18) Since the incident of Jallianwallah Bagh massacre, 6th April had come to symbolize a day of self abasement and purging of the soul.

use abasement in a sentence

19) He crawls, in a shame of abasement , when he longs to leap like a flung wave, like a cloud of starlings.

20) They then silently make a full prostration, "both the abasement of 'earthly man,' and also the grief and sorrow of the Church.

21) In a striking and utterly preposterous illustration , the "saint of rationalism" says, "An individual Jesuit is, to the utmost degree of abasement , a slave of his order.

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