
abandons in a sentence

1) He changes his attitude quickly and abandons things quickly.

2) She catches fire and her crew abandons ship.

3) Raven is disappointed and soon abandons him.

abandons example sentences

4) The learned doctor abandons academia and seeks rewards of magic.

5) South Africa officially abandons its nuclear weapons programme.

6) She abandons her normal life to meet him.

7) At this point the mother abandons them.

8) She gives birth in secret and abandons her daughter.

9) Janine is released but abandons Frank outside the courtroom.

10) Collective code ownership abandons any notion of individual ownership of modules.

11) Brinker becomes more military and abandons school activities.

12) November 14 – Spain abandons Western Sahara.

13) He does not overcome his alcoholism until he abandons Lakshmi.

14) No one ever abandons the book or its ritual.

15) Courts are intolerant of a woman who abandons her children.

16) Sean's devastated when Belle abandons him.

17) Frank abandons Caroline and Virginia shortly after.

18) The Labour Party abandons its policy on closed shops.

use abandons in a sentence

19) Olaf abandons his disguise and escapes in his getaway car.

20) I like longevity and a true musician never abandons his art.

21) Figure 5 abandons the totem-pole driver structure entirely.

22) He abandons her, crying: "Run!

23) September 22 – The United Kingdom abandons the gold standard.

24) Johns takes both nodes and abandons Riddick.

25) This abandons us powerless against stoped up pores and break outs.

26) Mystique manages to escape but abandons her second known son.

27) Zuidervaart himself abandons the distinction between Idea and concept.

28) Blackberry's latest figures surprise... technology Blackberry abandons sell off plan!

How to use abandons in a sentence

29) The group abandons Goodman to a thrashing by the thugs.

30) He eventually abandons this plan, but remains on the island.

31) Involuntary membership abandons all pretense to the benign.

32) Joe eventually abandons his wife for a relationship with Louis.

33) The crew abandons ship with the Enigma in their possession.

34) Knowing he is abandoning his destiny, he abandons it.

35) The more so, if their own government abandons them.

36) Her best friend practically abandons her to be with a boyfriend.

37) It begins with his escape after his mother abandons him.

38) America abandons the VETERAN for trivial distractions.

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