
abandon siege in a sentence

1) The Americans were forced to abandon the siege .

2) Calicut recalled the army and immediately abandoned the siege .

3) The French abandoned the siege of Maastricht on 3 March.

abandon siege example sentences

4) These defeats forced the Arabs to abandon the siege in 678.

5) However, on the 10th Wellington decided to abandon the siege .

6) Henry abandoned the siege in April.

7) They were forced to abandon the siege and make peace with Chlothar.

8) Shaken by his losses, Despard decided to abandon the siege .

9) After nearly a year, Lancaster abandoned the English siege in 1357.

10) After eight months the French and Spanish abandoned the twelfth siege of Gibraltar.

11) The pope, however, convinced him to abandon the siege of Perugia.

12) In September the siege was simply abandoned and the army returned ingloriously to England.

13) The British, however, continued to hold Gibraltar after the siege was abandoned .

14) Akbar rebuked Bhagwantdas and Man Singh for abandoning the siege of Kumbhalmer.

15) Pyrrhus abandons the siege of Lilybaeum.

16) However the city held, and when Macedonian reinforcements arrived, the siege was abandoned .

17) In spring 189, Wang Guo's men became worn out and abandoned the siege .

18) As a result, Basil II was forced to abandon the siege of Strumitsa and retreat.

use abandon siege in a sentence

19) At midday on 2 May, Calleja wrote the viceroy with his intentions to abandon the siege .

20) For six weeks Henry battered the walls of Florence, and was eventually forced to abandon the siege .

21) Charles Gustav was soon forced to abandon the siege of Zamość and the planned attack on Lwów.

22) The French abandoned the siege of Dover Castle in November but the campaign continued in the south-east.

23) Clive, who accompanied the force as commissary, was outraged at the decision to abandon the siege .

24) The news of the famous general's arrival were sufficient for the rebels to abandon the siege and withdraw westwards.

25) His reputation made the rebels abandon the siege of Carthage, and Belisarius pursued and defeated them at Membresa.

26) Moreover the Imperial army had been heavily hit by an epidemic, and Henry ultimately had to abandon the siege .

27) Haro did not reach Badajoz until mid-October, but his appearance compelled Mendes de Vasconcelos to abandon the siege .

28) As famine and an epidemic continued to plague the Arab camp, the siege was abandoned on 15 August 718.

How to use abandon siege in a sentence

29) The troops, who arrived on 12 October, therefore had to abandon the siege after only a few days.

30) On 5 June, Fairfax abandoned the siege , having received orders to engage the King and recapture Leicester instead.

31) Eventually, he abandons the siege in disgust when Agamemnon has another allied king, Achilles, murdered by treachery.

32) Thanks to Žižka's personal leadership, the attack was thrown back and the forces of Sigismund abandoned the siege .

33) James IV, perhaps close to exhausting his resources, abandoned the siege and returned to Edinburgh by 12 August.

34) Groups of Native Americans began to abandon the siege , some of them making peace with the British before departing.

35) Knowing that the Romans would come to Castra Vetera, Civilis abandoned the siege and threatened to attack Moguntiacum.

36) On 8 May 1429 the English abandoned the siege ; France, through Joan, had won a great moral victory.

37) abandoning the siege , he immediately led his army to the city of Aleppo to attack the Fatimid Caliphate of Egypt.

38) In 1315 the Nasrid Moors of Granada attempted to recapture Gibraltar but abandoned a brief siege when a Castilian relief force appeared.

39) We got ready, expecting a general attack; but were agreeably disappointed, for they all steamed away and abandoned the siege .

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