
abandon all hope in a sentence

1) At icon size, you may as well abandon all hope .

2) abandon all hope ye who entered there .

3) abandon all hope , all you who enter.

abandon all hope example sentences

4) My physicians declared me consumptive, and abandoned all hopes of recovery.

5) After 3000 years passed, they abandoned all hope of guiding that world.

6) The opening line is " abandon all hope for those who enter".

7) abandon all hope Ye Who Enter Here.

8) abandon all hope ye who enter .

9) She had abandoned all hope of getting her contract down in black and white!

10) This shows how fully they had abandoned all hope when they saw Him dead.

11) I've abandoned all hopes .

12) The Doctor waited until Bernice had abandoned all hope of recalling her long-forgotten theoretical mathematics.

13) A change back to the Hilborn fuel injection caused Farina to abandon all hope .

14) This doesn't stop her from being entertaining at times, so don't abandon all hope .

15) Malawians and expats warn him: "nobody goes there", or " abandon all hope ".

16) Halted by the police at every turn, Daughtary finally abandoned all hope of staging the fight in Victoria.

17) But the Marquess of Newcastle fled the kingdom, and the Royalists abandoned all hope of retrieving their affairs.

18) Instead, at this point Sartre at last abandons all hope of proving History as a totalization without a totalizer.

use abandon all hope in a sentence

19) But his superiors gave no sign, and he was reluctantly compelled to abandon all hope of reaping the fruits of victory.

20) Bavitz also released a music video to " abandon all hope ", which was one of the tracks on the CD.

21) I think on any of this you really do have to abandon all hope that NASA can be anything except a semi-useful appendage to the whole thing.

22) In 2001, my mother was dying of renal failure and pneumonia, doctors had abandoned all hope and she had been on oxygen and barely conscious.

23) abandoning all hope of escape, they returned toward Ravormos, dogged by the monsters as they toiled through yielding sand and over the ledges and riffles.

24) If you remove the eggs regularly for your own use, you may get as many as 40 to 90 before the geese abandon all hope for the year.

25) The weather forecast for Glastonbury this weekend is gloomy – heavy rain and a potential mudbath – but that doesn't mean abandoning all hope for festival chic.

26) It can be argued that Sayers' translation is actually more accurate, in that the original intimates to " abandon all hope ".

27) For example, the famous line usually rendered " abandon all hope , ye who enter here" turns, in the Sayers translation, into "Lay down all hope, you who go in by me.

28) Later in the season, The Horsemen Death is summoned to Earth by Lucifer via a ritual in the episode " abandon all hope ", albeit unseen.

How to use abandon all hope in a sentence

29) In the climax of " abandon all hope ", Lucifer performs a bloody ritual to raise Death, and to bind him to Lucifer's apocalyptic bidding.

30) He first appears during " abandon all hope " sealing a deal with the executive of a failing bank to bail it out.

31) Bret Easton Ellis's "American Psycho" begins with the words "" abandon all hope ye who enter here"".

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