
UFO abduction in a sentence

1) There are many witnesses for UFO's abductions too.

2) The " UFO abduction " phenomenon might be a continuation of clandestine mind control operations.

3) For example they make set up mock UFO abductions , poltergeist activities or other Fortean events.

UFO abduction example sentences

4) A person is predisposed to accept the idea that certain puzzling or inexplicable experiences might be telltale signs of UFO abduction .

5) But I don't suppose the speculation will end until folks find something more titillating to explore, like UFO abductions .

6) The subjects were then asked to hallucinate a UFO abduction , and the researchers compared the results with memories of allegedly real abductions.

7) The Antonio Vilas Boas case (1957) and the Hill abduction (1961) were the first cases of UFO abduction to earn widespread attention.

8) Under hypnosis, Betty's account was very similar to the events of her five dreams about the UFO abduction , but there were also notable differences.

9) In summary, the available evidence suggests that UFO abductions and close encounters may occur both in an ordinary bodily state and in an out-of-body state.

10) Given all the parallels that exist between OBEs and UFO abductions , could it be that some UFO entities are involved with the transmigration of the soul?

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