
Olympic athlete in a sentence

1) Hermes was once an Olympic limbo athlete.

2) What are the motives of Olympic athletes?

athlete collocations
3) The Olympic athlete with a big heart.

4) The IOC has what Olympic athletes want.

Olympic athlete example sentences

5) His preparation must be like an Olympic athlete's.

6) I don't think Olympic athletes should be exempt.

7) Do you admire the physique of an Olympic athlete?

8) He concentrated on training me to become an Olympic athlete.

9) Historically, about 10% of Olympic athletes have asthma.

10) It is one of the drugs banned for Olympic athletes.

11) What was he, she thought bitterly, an Olympic athlete?

12) All of our Olympic athletes seem to be on drugs.

13) London calling Gwen Jorgensen never dreamed of becoming an Olympic athlete.

14) Why do we hail the Olympic athletes so profusely?

example sentences with athlete

15) What's it take to perform like an Olympic athlete?

16) Tommy Hampson (1907–1965), Olympic athlete.

17) There are no obstacles put in the way of producing Olympic athletes.

18) So what do Olympic athletes eat?

19) To date, they are Dominica's only Olympic athletes.

20) Does it matter if the rules apply to Olympic athletes or not ?

21) His agility and reflexes are of the order of a superior Olympic athlete.

22) Monroe had augmented strength and reflexes superior to that of any Olympic athlete.

23) In his former life, he was a renowned skiing champion and Olympic athlete.

24) If you 're not an Olympic athlete, how much should you eat?

25) It was nice to see how Apolo interacted with the Special Olympic athletes.

26) Rich has worked with a range of clients, from infants to Olympic athletes.

27) The story's most surprising revelation may just be that Olympic athletes eat muffins.

How to use athlete in a sentence

28) Hammerhead is in peak physical condition comparable to that of an Olympic level athlete.

29) He has treated Olympic athletes from Canada, the US, and Europe.

30) I'm glad to see our Olympic athletes out on the town enjoying themselves.

31) How far would Olympic athletes get in pursuit of excellence if they were underfunded ?

32) As a living human, he is an Olympic level athlete well-trained in acrobatics.

33) However, the Russian government says it will respect the private lives of Olympic athletes.

34) Just as Olympic athletes push themselves to greater effort and performance, so can you.

35) Randal McLelland, an Olympic athlete in skeet shooting. 2008 Summer Olympics.

36) So exactly how do all those calories help fuel the most decorated Olympic athlete in history ?

37) Organizers hoped to use low- or no-emission vehicles to transport Olympic athletes and officials.

38) It featured medal-winning Olympic athletes.

39) Maciste appears as an Olympic athlete, in contemporary settings, or in the afterlife.

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