
French astronomer in a sentence

1) The same source was translated by the French astronomer and astrologer Pelerin de Prusse and others.

2) Around 1736, a French astronomer recalled how Amerindians used rubber to waterproof shoes and cloaks.

astronomer collocations
3) Sylvester II, Pope, a French astronomer, mathematician, orator, musician, and philosopher.

4) To make things worse, French astronomers have discovered that a day on Venus is getting even longer.

French astronomer example sentences

5) Nicolas Camille Flammarion (26 February 1842 – 3 June 1925) was a French astronomer and author.

6) French astronomers took sightings at Tobolsk in Siberia and the island of Rodrigues in the Indian Ocean .

7) Iapetus was discovered by Giovanni Domenico Cassini, an Italian– French astronomer, in October 1671.

8) The term is named after Édouard Roche, who is the French astronomer who first calculated this theoretical limit in 1848.

9) MESSIER, CHARLES Charles Messier (1730-1817), was a French astronomer who searched the skies for comets.

10) In 1868, a French astronomer and naturalist, Leopold Trouvelot, was attempting to breed a better silkworm using Gypsy moths.

11) LE VERRIER, URBAIN Urbain Jean Joseph Le Verrier (1811-1877) was a French astronomer who predicted the existence and position of the planet Neptune using orbital calculations.

12) The PICARD mission was named after the French astronomer of the XVII th century Jean Picard (1620-1682) who achieved the first accurate measurements of the solar diameter.

13) Dr. Bowditch's fame as a scientist rests on his translation and com- mentary of the great work of the French astronomer, La Place, entitled La Mecanique Celeste.

14) Having been unsuccessful in his efforts to interest any French astronomer in the problem, Le Verrier finally sent his results by post to Johann Gottfried Galle at the Berlin Observatory.

example sentences with astronomer

15) French astronomer, Pierre Janssen observed the Solar eclipse of 18 August 1868 and discovered helium, from Guntur in Madras State, British India.

16) The object is too faint to be seen with the naked eye, and when it was discovered by French astronomer ... Messier 70 offers a special case because it has undergone what is known as a core collapse.

17) Indeed, during the 18th century, French astronomers believed they had observed discrepancies in the motions of the planets, which were not accounted for by Newton's laws.

18) A team of French astronomers using ESO's Very Large Telescope have discovered an object located very close to the star Beta Pictoris, and which apparently lies inside its disc.

19) Marking the point where an expedition of French astronomers measured the equator in 1736, the Mitad del Mundo, or Middle of the World, is said to lie exactly on zero degrees latitude.

20) In the 1670s French astronomers, under the leadership of Cassini, began making observations of the satellites in many locations in France.

21) Decades later it was listed in the famous catalogue of deep sky objects compiled by another French astronomer and famous comet hunter, Charles Messier.

22) Bernard Lyot, French astronomer (d. 1952)

23) September 23 – Jean Chacornac, French astronomer (b. 1823)

24) February 14 – Benjamin Baillaud, French astronomer (d. 1934)

25) Charles Messier – French astronomer, publisher of Messier's catalogue

26) August 3 – Stéphane Javelle, French astronomer (b. 1864)

27) Ismaël Bullialdus, French astronomer, (1605–1694)

28) Jérôme Lalande – French astronomer and writer

29) Nicolas-Claude Fabri de Peiresc – French astronomer, antiquary and savant

30) Comet Faye ( 4P/Faye) was discovered in 1844 by a French astronomer.

31) Édouard Roche – French astronomer who described how a satellite that comes within the Roche limit of Saturn could break up and form the rings

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