
Ayub Khan in a sentence

1) But Ayub Khan was a politically ambitious person.

2) Ayub Khan's army was now in full rout.

3) Bhutto quickly arranged a meeting with Ayub Khan.

4) However, this delay provided Ayub Khan some respite.

Ayub Khan example sentences

5) However, Ayub Khan's military government vetoed the proposal.

6) Press in Pakistan under President Ayub Khan.

7) General Ayub Khan is chief Martial Law Administrator.

8) Ayub Khan eventually deposed Mirza in a bloodless coup.

9) In 1958 General Ayub Khan suspended the constitution and imposed martial law.

10) In 1959 the provincial system was for 12 years abolished under Ayub Khan.

11) Shortly afterwards General Ayub Khan deposed Iskandar and declared himself president.

12) Ayub Khan had been decisively beaten.

13) However, one of its convention actively supported President Ayub Khan.

14) Field Marshal Ayub Khan re-elected as President.

example sentences with 0

15) Ayub Khan, Zia and Musharraf in India?

16) While the Convention Muslim League supported General Ayub Khan.

17) Ayub Khan takes oath of first President of Pakistan under new constitution.

18) October 27: President General Ayub Khan becomes Field Marshal.

19) President Ayub Khan was aware of discrepancies between East and West Pakistan.

20) General Ayub Khan assumes the powers as Chief Martial Law Administrator.

21) Ayub Khan became a fugitive along with the small remnants of his battered army.

22) In 1971 when war broke out, Ayub Khan was in West Pakistan.

23) He was banned from public life by the military junta of General Ayub Khan.

24) November 26: President Ayub Khan inaugurates Pakistan Television Lahore Station.

25) In that same year, Ayub Khan made a fruitless inroad from Persia.

26) Bhutto was shocked by such statements and felt Ayub Khan was unlettered in international affairs.

27) Widespread discrimination prevailed in Pakistan against Bengalis during the regime of Ayub Khan.

How to use 0 in a sentence

28) He succeeded Field Marshal Ayub Khan, who assumed the Presidency of Pakistan.

29) The military dictatorships of Ayub Khan and Yahya Khan further limited the conservative platform.

30) U.N. Secretary General U Thant negotiates with Pakistan President Ayub Khan.

31) Ayub Khan soon abdicated, ironically doing exactly what she'd advised him to do.

32) Behind this spur lies the village of Mazra, around which Ayub Khan had camped.

33) Council Muslim League, a party created by political leaders who opposed General Ayub Khan.

34) Many Pakistani commentators criticized the Ayub Khan administration for being indecisive during Operation Grand Slam.

35) Protests and spontaneous demonstrations broke out around the country, and Ayub Khan lost the control.

36) Under Ayub Khan, Pakistan enjoyed a strong and close relationship with the United States.

37) On 27 October 1958 General Muhammad Ayub Khan took over as second President of Pakistan.

38) At Dorchester Hotel, Ayub Khan had a brief meeting with Munir Ahmad Khan.

39) President Ayub Khan reacted by saying: "We will have to take heart sometime".

40) Ayub Khan accepted Buksh's recommendation and appointed Waheduzzaman as Federal Minister of Commerce.

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