Aymé in a sentence
1) Jean Aymé as the First Grand Vampire, a master of disguise.
2) Aymé refused Bourguignon permission to evacuate, saying "Your mission has not changed.
3) Aymé : We have worked with over 200 NGOs, social enterprises and SMEs via benevola.
4) His former doubles partner Paul Aymé resigned from the quarterfinal for unknown reasons and gave him a walkover.
Aymé example sentences
5) Aymé ( Europe): We are an international business and firmly believe our values to be universal.6) Aymé and Chun discuss the difficulties and the rewarding aspects of working in social entrepreneurship space in Asia and Europe .
7) Aymé : The first thing about trying to establish a social enterprise is to define what a social enterprise means to you and how you would shape it.
8) One of the projects that is currently on Aymé's top interest radar is benevola's work with a NGO called Conservation Interaction in Dar Es Salaam.
9) Capitalizing on this trend, Benjamin Aymé founded benevola to connect the interested volunteers to organizations that could benefit from the services contributed.
10) Marcel Aymé, French writer (d. 1967)
11) "The Wonderful Farm" (by Marcel Aymé) (1951)
12) " As a budding environmentalist, this project has really caught my attention," said Aymé.
13) 1902 – Aymé Kunc
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