
Ayer in a sentence

1) Ayer was married four times to three women.

2) Oh yes David Ayer is indeed going places .

Ayer collocations
3) Ayer identifies here an error made by some philosophers.

4) Ayer was closely associated with the British humanist movement.

Ayer example sentences

5) David Ayer is signed to direct the movie.

6) In one sense Ayer's claim seems reasonable.

7) Sartre called Ayer 'un con'.

8) Am I totally missing Ayer's point?

9) You are probably guessing " What is Ayer's Rock?

10) Barth and Ayer have elements in common.

11) AD 226 u0026 Ayer's book on Wittgenstein.

12) This is the approach taken by A.J.Ayer, for example.

13) Ayer, A.J. et al., Ed.

14) Ayer said it will " bring a fresh execution to the genre.

example sentences with Ayer

15) New York: Ayer Publishing, 1928.

16) Ayer, A. J. (1936).

17) Metaphysics was seen by Ayer as a product of linguistic confusion.

18) Women like Vidya Ayer of India provide strong voices.

19) Historical supporters of the club have included such figures as A.J. Ayer.

20) New York: Ayer Co. Publishing, 1976.

21) Ayer Hall was constructed in 1903 and is the oldest structure on campus.

22) Ayer died on 27 June 1989.

23) The Ayer grows problematic, dark.

24) Ayer also had a daughter with Hollywood columnist Sheilah Graham Westbrook.

25) But this philosophy has been challenged by its founder A. J. Ayer himself.

26) David Ayer contributed to the script.

27) Ayer argues that ethical sentences are expressions of approval or disapproval, not assertions.

How to use Ayer in a sentence

28) What significance, if any, does Molly Ayer's name have?

29) Once again, Ayer's position proves convenient to this sort of theist.

30) It was berthed at the Telok Ayer Basin.

31) Ayer, A. J., 1988.

32) Ayer and Tyson then began to talk, while Naomi Campbell slipped out.

33) I'm hoping to get a good grasp of what Ayer was saying.

34) These huts provide a good vantage points of Kampong Ayer and its surroundings.

35) In contrast, Telok Ayer Market doesn't sound Scottish at all!

36) Most of Ayer's life has been spent teaching philosophy at London and Oxford.

37) Manchester, New Hampshire: Ayer Company Publishers Inc., 1979.

38) Previous commencement speakers include former U.S. congressman Jim Leach and business executive Ramani Ayer.

39) Later in life, Ayer had a NDE where he saw a red light.

40) Water taxis are the most common means of negotiating the waterways of Kampung Ayer.

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