
Axminster in a sentence

1) The USA is a growing market for best quality Axminster carpet.

2) How is our export division affected by the Axminster agreement?

Axminster collocations
3) I mean bloody erm, Axminster carpets all the way through.

4) Heavy wool Axminster covered the floor in a blue u0026 gold design.

Axminster example sentences

5) It was their first sight of an Axminster plant in operation.

6) Chenille weaving ceased as Axminster and Wilton weaving expanded.

7) Without a doubt Axminster carpets are the best we have ever bought .

8) There was a spur to the down sidings at Axminster station.

9) This gives an undoubted advantage for the export of Axminster carpets.

10) The floor covering was an Axminster carpet woven in Glasgow, Scotland.

11) Six of Axminster carpets are known as the "Lansdowne" group.

12) Two additional narrow width Gripper Axminster Looms have been installed.

13) Woven carpets are made either by the Axminster or the Wilton method.

14) LDP therefore decided to look for another manufacturer to supply its Axminster.

example sentences with Axminster

15) She lives in a cosy detached home, with plush wall to wall axminster.

16) Suitable starters can be obtained at reasonable prices from Clarke and Axminster.

17) In 1980, Mercia introduced narrow Axminster looms to complement their Wilton Production.

18) Close to Axminster a square pillbox was disguised as a Romany caravan.

19) Family man Danny Grabauskas, who lives near Axminster, Devon fared worse.

20) It was reported that there was an intruder at a house on Axminster Close.

21) A new Axminster carpet, 515 sqyd in size, was also laid down.

22) If I had my way, I'd have Axminster straight through the house .

23) Steady as she goes - the 15 foot Axminster loom is off-loaded by crane.

24) An Axminster has its tufts inserted as a separate operation and knotted under the warp.

25) He looked at me as if I'd crawled out from under the Axminster.

26) The ground floor public rooms have parquet flooring with turkey-red Axminster carpet tile squares or strips.

27) Historic carpet maker Axminster last night called in the administrators putting more than 400 jobs at risk .

How to use Axminster in a sentence

28) This is highlighted by the high performance of Axminster sales which now account for the majority.

29) Prelude quality Axminster carpet was lain throughout the new Heron Marsh Porterhouse restaurant in Cardiff.

30) Axminster Rococo designs often have a brown ground and include birds copied from popular, contemporary engravings.

31) The LSWR arranged a horse bus connection from Axminster to Lyme Regis in the intervening period.

32) Hotels and leisure venues almost always choose these types and many homes use woven Axminsters as design statements.

33) Bertie Brydson, weaver, explains the Axminster process to three generations of the one family.

34) Axminsters resemble hand-knotted carpets, but their pile yarn is mechanically inserted and bound and not knotted.

35) At fifteen he became a bank boy, later to become an Axminster weaver until redundancy in 1974.

36) They have 9 Wilton and 21 Axminster narrow looms exclusively used in weaving carpet for the contract market.

37) Finally Ottery played host to Axminster, winning on all four rinks and 99-56 overall.

38) Entering Devon near Axminster, Tornado will then work hard tackling the ascent of Honiton Bank!

39) So, thank you Axminster for introducing us to quality, reliability, and value for money.

40) It is the first time that the Stylesetter Award has been given to an Axminster carpet range.

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