
Avram in a sentence

1) Avram, several commenters are "haters".

2) Genesis 17:1 – "Avram was 99 years old.

3) I never learned where they were sent," concluded Avram.

4) He also shows Avram the completed sequence.

Avram example sentences

5) Mourinho's replacement was former Israeli national team coach Avram Grant.

6) I mean, Avram grow up speaking Yiddish.

7) I spoke Yiddish, as did Avram.

8) All at once, Avram decided she'd had enough.

9) Nicu Avram joins the band to play bass guitar.

10) Scarier still were Avram Grant's comments this week.

11) Thanks for the waste of time, Avram.

12) Jackson's promoter Marcel Avram said he received abrasions and bruises.

13) Their elder brother Avram was the scriptwriter, actor and general manager.

14) Avram, you are like the Rush Limbaugh of technology.

example sentences with Avram

15) Her father, Avram Skinazi, was a rag dealer.

16) Avram Grant, the super-connected corporate man.

17) Avram Barlia was to perform the latter function for over 50 years.

18) On the other line is Avram !

19) Avram's attention didn't stray from Waldeck's porcine little eyes.

20) Avram Israel Reisner, 2003, 576 pages.

21) Avram Davidson makes several references to the Lemko people in his stories.

22) Avram Grant was born in Petah Tikva.

23) Like Avram, we have the ultimate source of wisdom as our guide.

24) Border police school and center for training is located in Oradea Avram Iancu.

25) Victor Obinna put Avram Grant's team ahead in the 24th minute.

26) Manager Avram Grant also left the club and was replaced by Steve Cotterill.

27) The most prominent is the Neo-baroque theatre at the Avram Iancu Square.

How to use Avram in a sentence

28) Guillermo later confronts Avram for information concerning the Bohms, which Avram refuses.

29) Guillermo later confronts Avram for information concerning the Bohms, which Avram refuses.

30) Going back to where Avram was last seen, Martin runs into Dr. McCormick.

31) In January Vlad Vedes and Nicu Avram leave the band.

32) How anybody could think that Avram Grant would be an improvement is beyond me.

33) Avram Piltch, it seems you kick a hornet nest or you are clueless.

34) Martin later tells Avram that Ortiz mentioned a "nest of seven" before he died.

35) Sky Marshal Hannah Avram thought beautiful thoughts and tried to tune the whiny voice out.

36) This time the lucky lady is none other than former bigg boss contestant Elli Avram .

37) His son Avram performs at the theater and is also studying to be a rabbi.

38) I am the child of an Avram, and the granddaughter of an Abraham.

39) I wondered if Avram noticed.

40) Great post Avram, thanks.

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