Avestan in a sentence
1) In Avestan geography no other region has received such treatment.
2) Old Avestan "zyÄÌŠ" "winter", gen.
3) Iranian, attested from roughly 1000 BC in the form of Avestan.
4) Only texts in the Avestan language are considered part of the Avesta.
Avestan example sentences
5) The Old Persian and Avestan evidence is confirmed by the Greek sources".6) The Gathas are in the Gathic dialect of the Avestan language.
7) According to Avestan traditions, the sacred libation hom grew in the mountains.
8) The rest of the materials from the Avesta are called "Avestan fragments".
9) The Pashto language shows affinities to the Avestan and Bactrian.
10) The main Avestan text of geographical interest is the first chapter of the VidÄ“vdÄd.
11) Avestan "dasa"), "tej" 'milk' (cf.
12) Avestan "dhaénu"), "tÃz" 'ten' (cf.
13) Sanskrit "mÄnuá¹£a", Avestan "manuÅ¡" "man, male").
14) Avestan "baresman") bundle of twigs was originally a bundle of Haoma stalks.
example sentences with Avestan
15) For this reason, important religious texts were sometimes transcribed into the phonetically unambiguous Avestan alphabet.16) Avestan, the language of the Avesta, the sacred texts of Zoroastrianism.
17) Avestan regression: The springlike wimp of waster in SOMA may be possible.
18) The language has ancient origins and bears similarities to extinct languages such as Avestan and Bactrian.
19) However, in Avestan, Ragha is simply a toponym meaning "plain, hillside.
20) Zoroaster's name in his native language, Avestan, was probably "Zaraθuštra".
21) I. Gershevitch, The Avestan Hymn to Mithra, Cambridge, 1959.
22) The Persian magi where therefore finally able to record all surviving ancient Avestan texts in written form.
23) Only texts preserved in the Avestan language count as scripture and are part of the Avesta.
24) It is unclear whether the Avestan variation between "aša" and "arta" is merely orthographical.
25) Both Avestan "haoma" and Sanskrit "soma" derived from proto-Indo-Iranian "sauma".
26) The Avesta is the primary collection of sacred texts of Zoroastrianism, composed in the Avestan language.
27) The Avestan cognate is zari, sometimes incorrectly identified as the first part of the name of Zarathustra .
How to use Avestan in a sentence
28) The Avestan Ragha, according to Gershevitch is somewhere in Eastern Iran, whose location is not known.29) The Balochi language has the closest similarities to Kurdish, Avestan, old Persian and other Iranian languages.
30) An unrelated term, but previously assumed to be related, appears in the older Gathic Avestan language texts.
31) Centuries later, other scripts such as "Pahlavi" and "Avestan" scripts were used in ancient Persia.
32) Both Soma and the Avestan "Haoma" are thought to be derived from Proto-Indo-Iranian "sauma-".
33) The date of Zoroaster, i.e., the date of composition of the Old Avestan gathas, is unknown.
34) Its closest ancient relatives are the Iranian languages Avestan (with which it is nearly identical) and Old Persian.
35) Dumézil though remarked words deriving from root nep- are not attested in IE languages other than Vedic and Avestan.
36) For a convenient collection of technical religious terms shared by Vedic and Avestan, see Hillebrandt 1897, p. 11.
37) Aži DahÄka appears in several of the Avestan myths and is mentioned parenthetically in many more places in Zoroastrian literature.
38) In the Avestan text Mehr Yasht ("Yasht 10") there is a possible early link to Mithra.
39) The Avestan evidence is confirmed by Greek sources: Arianē is spoken of as being between Persia and the Indian subcontinent.
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