
Australoid in a sentence

1) Most south pacific Islanders including native Australians (are Australoid).

2) These early humans are believed to be Australoid or Negrito people.

3) They include Mongolian Caucasian Negroid and some recognize Australoid .

4) These people were Australoids who may have been closely related to Aboriginal Australians.

Australoid example sentences

5) The first inhabitants are thought to be descendant of Australoid and Melanesian peoples.

6) These Australoid tribes were once the pre-historic inhabitants of Goa and Konkan.

7) They comprise of diverse ethnic communities including Australoid, Tibeto-Burman and Sino-Tibetan races.

8) Bohol was first settled by Australoid people, like the rest of the Philippines.

9) Furthermore, negritos, a class of Australoid peoples, became the aboriginal inhabitants of the Philippines.

10) Then about years ago, Australoid peoples related to modern Australian Aboriginals and Melanesians colonised Central Java.

11) This Kirat population in the valley along with original Australoids and Austro-Asiatic speakers form the base for later Newar population.

12) The Bhils and Gonds are frequently classified as Australoid groups, yet Bhil languages are Indo-European and the Gondi language is Dravidian.

13) Physical anthropologists distinguish four main races of Homo sapiens – the Caucasoid (or Indo-European), Negroid, Mongoloid and Australoid.

14) The descendants of the Lemurian root race according to traditional Theosophy include the Capoid race, the Congoid race, the Dravidians, and the Australoid race.

example sentences with Australoid

15) Australoid indigenous Australians and Polynesian Māori indigenous to New Zealand are not recorded to have met or interacted prior to 17th and 18th century European exploration of Australia.

16) Khasis and Nicobarese are considered to be Mongoloid groups and the Munda and Santals are Australoid groups, but all four speak Austro-Asiatic languages.

17) Ethnic origins and linguistic affiliations in India match only inexactly, however: while the Oraon adivasis are classified as an Australoid group, their language, called Kurukh, is Dravidian.

18) The Oraon adivasi tribe of eastern India and the Korku tribe of western India are considered to be examples of groups of Australoid origin.

19) Australoid skulls have been unearthed in Indonesia, and the Malaccans from the Celebes were constant visitors to Arnhem Land and the Kimberley area in recent centuries.

20) The Philippines were originally settled by Australoid peoples called Negritos (different from other Australoid groups) which now form the country's aboriginal community.

21) The Philippines were originally settled by Australoid peoples called Negritos (different from other Australoid groups) which now form the country's aboriginal community.

22) And finally, Austroasiatic languages are spoken by only tribals or Adivasis, who can be of either Australoid or Mongoloid racial stock.

23) After the Australoids, Caucasoids, including both Elamo-Dravidians (c. 4,000 to 6,000 BCE) and Indo-Aryans (c.2,000-1,500 BCE), and Mongoloids (Sino-Tibetans) immigrated into India.

24) All racial groups, Mongoloid, Negroid, Caucasoid and Australoid, are stocks of the species Homo sapiens, which is classified as follows:

25) Australoid","Class":"{col0 coll}"}],"Right":[],"TokenNum":1130802884}

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