
Australian Force in a sentence

1) The Australian Defence Force has a number of domestic responsibilities.

2) The Australian Air Force was formed on 31 March 1921.

Australian collocations
3) Defence is the responsibility of the Australian Defence Force .

4) It allowed the Australian Defence Force to ensure both men stayed neutral.

Australian Force example sentences

5) The Australian Defence Force cooperates with militaries around the world.

6) III, The Australian Imperial Force in France, 1916".

7) The Australian Defence Force is by far the largest military Force in Oceania.

8) Hale School has been important in the history of the Australian Defence Force .

9) The Administrator may request the assistance of the Australian Defence Force if required.

10) It is my strong belief that it does not define the Australian Defence Force .

11) Australians rate the Australian Defence Force as the most trusted organisation in the country.

12) The Australian Defence Force (ADF) conducts inquiries principally to inform internal decision-making.

13) During World War II, his father served in the Australian Defence Force .

14) A large mobilisation of the Australian Defence Force was activated and a relief fund created.

example sentences with Australian

15) This was further increased in October 2008 to 737 vehicles for the Australian Defence Force .

16) Entered service in 1989 as the new issue weapon of the Australian Defence Force .

17) Defence Bank is the number-one credit union to service members of the Australian Defence Force .

18) The U.S. Army CH-47s supported the 1st Australian Task Force as required.

19) The Australian Defence Force participated in coalition military action against Iraq in Operation Iraqi Freedom.

20) It was thought that the rocket launchers may have been stolen from the Australian Defence Force .

21) The Australian Defence Force allows personnel to enlist with parental consent from the age of 17.

22) Kent Hughes enlisted in the Australian Imperial Force as a private on 8 August 1914.

23) Women in the Australian Defence Force -- Do they have an equal role to men?

24) The DHOAS Saver home loan is only available to members of the Australian Defence Force .

25) The Australian Defence Force has been working closely with ACT Public Health officials on this matter.

26) It provides chaplains to the Australian Defence Force, hospitals, schools, industry and prisons.

27) Like other chaplains in the Australian Defence Force, Navy chaplains have five divisions of seniority.

How to use Australian in a sentence

28) On 18 December 2007 the first two MRH90 aircraft were delivered to the Australian Defence Force .

29) Importantly, it also clearly lays down the Government's expectations of the Australian Defence Force .

30) Australia's changing security environment will lead to new demands being placed on the Australian Defence Force .

31) Following the Armistice, he was discharged from the Australian Imperial Force on 15 December 1918.

32) Artists were granted permission to accompany the Australian Imperial Force to record the activities of its soldiers.

33) The Australian Defence Force will undertake an expanded program of counter-terrorist training and exercises with regional partners.

34) Three Australian Defence Force legal officers have been appointed as Counsel Assisting the Commission of Inquiry.

35) Over 1200 locals left Annandale as members of the Australian Imperial Force or to join British regiments.

36) The invading Forces (including the Australian Air Force ) used bombing and psychological warfare during the siege.

37) Fysh was evacuated on December 1915, after serving for 7 months in the Australian Imperial Force .

38) The Australian Air Force is also dropping sonar buoys into the water to help pick up more signals.

39) Since July 2008, the Australian Defence Force has contributed two Army Officers to the UNAMI.

40) The First World War stopped all first-class cricket and Macartney enlisted in the Australian Imperial Force .

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