
Attis in a sentence

1) Attis, the savior, was often represented with a shepherd's staff.

2) The "sacred night" followed, with Attis placed in his ritual tomb.

3) It has been argued that the worship of Attis drew on Hurrian myth.

4) Attis was placed in his "tomb" for the Sacred Night that followed.

Attis example sentences

5) Attis, was, however, more popular in Britain than has hitherto been supposed.

6) The conceptual link between Attis and Adonis was developed primarily in the later Imperial period.

7) Myths surround the first king Midas. connecting him with a mythological tale concerning Attis.

8) Cybele's major myths deal with her own origins, and her relationship with Attis.

9) Attis's relationship with Agdistis is characterized as "infamis", disreputable and socially marginalizing.

10) A complex of soteriological beliefs was also a feature of the cult of Cybele and Attis.

11) Attis, according to the myth, was a handsome young shepherd who was born of a virgin.

12) On his head, Mithras usually wears a phrygian cap, like the one worn by Attis.

13) The highest ranking Gallus was known as "Attis", and his junior as "Battakes".

14) This child is Attis.

example sentences with Attis

15) They are sometimes considered a transgender priesthood, since they were required to be castrated in imitation of Attis.

16) The cult of Cybele, in which devotees castrated themselves in ecstatic emulation of Attis: see Gallus.

17) The Roman poet Catullus refers to Attis in the masculine until his emasculation, and in the feminine thereafter.

18) The pine tree and pine cones were introduced to the iconography of Attis for their cult significance during the Roman period.

19) March 28 may have been a day of initiation into the mysteries of the Magna Mater and Attis at the Vaticanum.

20) Remarkably, this coincided with the date on which the death and resurrection of a pagan god, Attis, was celebrated.

21) The exceptionally beautiful Attis grows up favored by the Mother of the Gods and by Agdistis, who is his constant companion.

22) To another work of anthropology I am indebted in general, one which has influenced our generation profoundly; I mean The Golden Bough ; I have used especially the two volumes Attis Adonis Osiris.

23) Frazer refers to the pine becoming an object of worship during the orgiastic festival of Cybele and Attis in Rome each spring equinox.

24) The principal figure is Cybele, goddess of fertility and mistress of wild nature, who had a huge and jealous love for a young man named Attis.

25) Tellingly, Cybele's priests dedicate themselves to her by castrating themselves, thus mimicking Attis's death--a very odd way to venerate a goddess of fertility.

26) She is not herself a mother, and the male character figuring most prominently in her myths is Attis, her chaste companion.

27) In the later Empire, it had become assimilated into the "holy week" of Attis, occurring on the day when the tree rested at the Temple of the Magna Mater.

28) Eliade related the violets of Attis and the roses and anemones of Adonis to legends of flowers appearing on battlefields after the deaths of heroes.

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