
Atlantic Organization in a sentence

1) August 24 – North Atlantic Treaty Organization established.

2) However they are still connected by The North Atlantic Treaty Organization .

Atlantic collocations
3) BASIC DATA Full title: North Atlantic Treaty Organization .

4) North Atlantic Treaty Organization Which is the largest Castle in England?

Atlantic Organization example sentences

5) There were also political effects as the North Atlantic Treaty Organization was divided.

6) Keep in mind, NATO is the North Atlantic Treay Organization .

7) February 18 – Greece and Turkey join the North Atlantic Treaty Organization .

8) I believe it also supports and aligns with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization .

9) Kiev must officially pledge that Ukraine will not join the North Atlantic Treaty Organization .

10) In 2009 Albania – along with Croatia – officially joined the North Atlantic Treaty Organization .

11) In 1952 a North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) base was opened under American leadership.

12) The United States also led the formation of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization in nineteen forty-nine.

13) The United States and Canada share North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) mutual security commitments.

14) The North Atlantic Treaty Organization is back, thanks in large part to Russian President Vladimir Putin.

example sentences with Atlantic

15) The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) used the standard radio communication phonetic alphabet to denote submarine classes.

16) The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) took over command and coordination of ISAF in August 2003.

17) Through his close involvement in defence matters, Ismay began to be involved with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization .

18) Second, the United States should reconsider its increasingly outmoded European defense framework, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization .

19) Twelve other nations signed a treaty setting-up the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and the Council of Europe was established.

20) Defence Ministers from the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) met in Brussels on May 28-29.

21) There, she joined in a combined North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) exercise and other amphibious assault operations.

22) Enlargement of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is the process of including new member states in NATO.

23) On March 27 three Turkish colonels accredited to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) were killed in Brussels.

24) The North Atlantic Treaty Organization continued these efforts as "Operation Unified Protector." Qadhafi was killed during the conflict.

25) In the meantime, the U.S. formed an anti-communist military alliance with the western nations - the North Atlantic Treaty Organization .

26) Western Europe later aligned as the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and Eastern Europe as the Warsaw Pact.

27) The referendum asked: "do you want Georgia to become a member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, NATO?

How to use Atlantic in a sentence

28) After he retired Caracciola worked as a Mercedes-Benz salesman targeting North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) troops stationed in Europe.

29) Seeking closer ties with the West, Lithuania applied for the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) membership in 1994.

30) In his office Meri strengthened his country's contacts with the European Union and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, NATO.

31) In 1949 the United States created the NORTH Atlantic TREATY ORGANIZATION, which committed U.S. forces to the defense of Europe.

32) A North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) airstrike on a village in Kunar Province, Afghanistan, kills 10 civilians.

33) Bulgaria joined the North Atlantic Treaty Organization on 29 March 2004 and currently maintains a total 776 deployed troops in three countries.

34) Catches of Scottish salmon have declined by nearly 80 per cent since 1973, according to the North Atlantic Salmon Conservation Organization .

35) Most commonly the acronym North Atlantic Treaty Organization, prefer all-caps over Nato as this is the form the Organization itself promotes.

36) The United States and Turkey have a strong tradition of military cooperation, both bilaterally and inside the North Atlantic Treaty Organization .

37) North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) formed alliance between European partners and the United States to protect the security of Europe.

38) In 1949, Denmark joined NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization ) and abandoned its attempt to remove the United States bases.

39) Burjanadze unequivocally backed Georgia's accession to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), rejecting any compromises on this question.

40) Romania joined the North Atlantic Treaty Organization in 2004, and the European Union, alongside Bulgaria, on 1 January 2007.

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