
Atlantic Fleet in a sentence

1) In 1941, the Atlantic Fleet was reactivated.

2) Upon her return she rejoined the Atlantic Fleet .

Atlantic collocations
3) She rejoined the Atlantic Fleet the following year.

4) She joined the Atlantic Fleet and operated off the east coast.

Atlantic Fleet example sentences

5) The Atlantic Fleet already had dreadnoughts in commission.

6) She remained on active operations with the Atlantic Fleet into 1968.

7) In 1930, "Warspite" rejoined the Atlantic Fleet .

8) Post-war, they conducted training cruises with the US Atlantic Fleet .

9) Upon commissioning, "Pennsylvania" was attached to the Atlantic Fleet .

10) In 1959, KIDD was transferred to the Atlantic Fleet .

11) After recommissioning in September 1951, she joined the Atlantic Fleet .

12) Service in the Atlantic Fleet followed.

13) It has accommodated the Royal Navy Home Fleet and Atlantic Fleet .

14) After being commissioned, both ships were assigned to the US Atlantic Fleet .

example sentences with Atlantic

15) A Naval Reserve PSYOP audiovisual unit supports the Atlantic Fleet .

16) In March 1946 he became Commander Amphibious Force, Atlantic Fleet .

17) She was attached to the U.S. Atlantic Fleet and usual intensive shakedown period followed.

18) She arrived in New York on 19 August and rejoined the Atlantic Fleet .

19) The Pacific Fleet, The Atlantic Fleet and a smaller Asiatic Fleet.

20) She thus became a part of the Amphibious Force of the Atlantic Fleet .

21) The ship collided with the battleship in late 1920 while assigned to the Atlantic Fleet .

22) Following overhaul, "Texas" resumed duty with the Atlantic Fleet early in 1919.

23) Among the preparations, the U.S. Atlantic Fleet readied large numbers of its ships.

24) Decommissioned in July 1947, she entered the Atlantic Reserve Fleet at Charleston.

25) From April 1947 until 1950, he commanded the Submarine Force, Atlantic Fleet .

26) She spent the next three years conducting the normal routine of training with the Atlantic Fleet .

27) She was decommissioned on 24 February 1958 and entered the Atlantic Reserve Fleet at Philadelphia.

How to use Atlantic in a sentence

28) She then transited the Panama Canal and joined the Atlantic Fleet on 3 July.

29) In 1931, she was part of the Atlantic Fleet during the Invergordon Mutiny.

30) His first assignment was aboard the battleship "Pennsylvania", flagship of the Atlantic Fleet .

31) She reported for duty to Submarine Division 122, Squadron 12, U.S. Atlantic Fleet .

32) In the 18th century, Brest was the main base for France's Atlantic Fleet .

33) She departed San Diego on 4 January 1952, bound for duty with the Atlantic Fleet .

34) In 1924 "Ramillies" joined the 2nd Battle Squadron of the British Atlantic Fleet .

35) On 1 February 1941, the Atlantic Fleet was resurrected and organized from the Patrol Force.

36) She was placed in the Atlantic Reserve Fleet and berthed at the Philadelphia Naval Shipyard.

37) The Fleet was a combination of the North Atlantic Fleet and the South Atlantic Squadron.

38) Upon completion of overhaul, Angler was recommissioned in September 1953 and rejoined the Atlantic Fleet .

39) In January 1948, Wisconsin joined the Atlantic Reserve Fleet at Norfolk, for inactivation.

40) For the next nine years, "Stickell" served the Atlantic Fleet as a radar destroyer.

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