Atlantic Canada in a sentence
1) The chain eventually expanded throughout Atlantic Canada .
2) Atlantic Canada and has not 160 issues and taxpayers.
Atlantic collocations
3) A winter storm is affecting parts of Atlantic Canada .
4) Damage from the storm throughout Atlantic Canada reached $10 million.
Atlantic Canada example sentences
5) The theatres they acquired are in Atlantic Canada .6) Six deaths were also reported in Atlantic Canada .
7) Later, high winds severely damaged crops in Atlantic Canada .
8) The operation was a challenge for airports in Atlantic Canada .
9) It is the largest and northernmost geographical region in Atlantic Canada .
10) Only light rainfall was observed in Atlantic Canada and Quebec.
11) Although Alice tracked through Atlantic Canada, no impact was recorded.
12) Damage in Atlantic Canada reached approximately $3.64 million.
13) Atlantic Canada was especially hard hit.
14) Shortly after Alice dissipated over Atlantic Canada, another depression formed.
example sentences with Atlantic
15) After becoming extratropical, the storm caused significant effects in Atlantic Canada .16) In Atlantic Canada, Bill caused mainly power outages and flooding events.
17) Private-label soft drinks are branded "Big 8" in Atlantic Canada .
18) Even Atlantic Canada is attracting immigrants.
19) There were no entries for Atlantic Canada or from Ontario.
20) The storm affected Atlantic Canada after hitting the Northeastern United States.
21) Tim Hortons was originally concentrated in Ontario and Atlantic Canada .
22) The remnants moved through Atlantic Canada, eventually dissipating on October 2.
23) We are now a distributor of Pella products for Atlantic Canada .
24) Since then Brian has had a number of shows in Atlantic Canada .
25) It continued rapidly across Atlantic Canada and re-emerged into the Atlantic.
26) By August 21, Charley completed the transition south of Atlantic Canada .
27) Cindy transitioned into an extratropical cyclone on July 12 while approaching Atlantic Canada .
How to use Atlantic in a sentence
28) Their support in Atlantic Canada and Ontario largely migrated to the Liberals.29) The only velodrome in Atlantic Canada is in Dieppe.
30) Atlantic Canada and the Prairies also saw some increase in buyer intentions.
31) St John's and Saint John are smaller centres in Atlantic Canada .
32) This was the only time the Open has been held in Atlantic Canada .
33) These are in addition to Bell Aliant's operations in Atlantic Canada .
34) With over 17,000 students, it became the largest university in Atlantic Canada .
35) The Canadian Hurricane Centre began issuing warnings for Atlantic Canada later that day.
36) A horrible thought in the cold water we usually have here in Atlantic Canada .
37) In Atlantic Canada, heavy rains fell in both Nova Scotia and Newfoundland.
38) The system was last noted on October 19 as it moved over Atlantic Canada .
39) In Atlantic Canada powerful winds and heavy rain lead to significant disruptions in the region.
40) CBAFT is Radio-Canada's television service in Atlantic Canada which serves Franco-Newfoundlanders.
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