
Atherton in a sentence

1) It is unclear where and when Atherton was born.

2) Gertrude Atherton made some controversial comments during her career.

3) A patient saw her wandering in Atherton quarry.

4) Apparently Mike Atherton has forgotten his own birthday .

Atherton example sentences

5) Humphrey Atherton's date and place of birth are uncertain.

6) A chapel was built in 1645 by John Atherton.

7) United Utilities manages Atherton's drinking and waste water.

8) Glenn McGrath made life miserable for Mike Atherton .

9) Parsons also testified that Atherton had correctly repeated back the order.

10) We lift the lid on the Atherton dynasty's training programme.

11) In 1910, she received a trust fund from Atherton.

12) Mike Atherton tells us it is now raining .... hard.

13) Michael Atherton compiled a watchful 60 in the first innings.

14) Atherton also explained that the spark could be explored further.

example sentences with Atherton

15) He clashed with England captain Mike Atherton over team selection.

16) Humphrey Atherton was a successful land speculator.

17) Examples include a circle in Atherton, California.

18) Open side flanker Guy Atherton is rested.

19) Atherton was unhappy at the post-match press conference.

20) In 1892, Atherton left for New York.

21) She now resides in Atherton, California.

22) Ruth Atherton Foster, Nov. 10, 1996.

23) They'd be in Atherton soon at this rate.

24) But from that simple garden, Atherton believes many benefits will grow.

25) SALLY Atherton is feeling brassed off about her big band spectacular.

26) She'd be halfway to Atherton by now.

27) New York: Atherton Press, 1963.

How to use Atherton in a sentence

28) Atherton, James S. (2009).

29) She has lived in Atherton, California, since March 1998.

30) Romanowski's association with Atherton began in 2003.

31) Recorder Peter Atherton bailed McConnell until June 9 for further assessment.

32) Bob Atherton, RTS, explains this new service in detail.

33) After Atherton they turned left, then left again up a lane.

34) He didn't dare ask how far the other side of Atherton.

35) Richard Vernon Atherton was the last of the Atherton male line.

36) Richard Vernon Atherton was the last of the Atherton male line.

37) By lunch we had seen an all-run six for Mike Atherton.

38) They must have gone at least three miles along the Atherton Road already.

39) Atherton was hanged on Gallows Green on December 5, 1640.

40) Profitable lobbying by the Atherton Company also strengthened their resolve.

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