
Athel in a sentence

1) Treemen are the most powerful spirits in Athel Loren.

2) What will become the Wood Elf realm of Athel Loren is founded.

Athel collocations
3) Drycha is the most powerful Branchwraith in Athel Loren.

4) Finubar reaches Athel Loren and rediscovers the Wood Elves.

Athel example sentences

5) The Dwarfs destroy the Elf colony of Athel Maraya.

6) Unlike the Spellweavers, the Spellsingers are limited to the Lore of Athel Loren.

7) Treeman Ancients are the oldest and wisest of the treemen that live in Athel Loren.

8) Karak Norn - this hold lies in the Grey Mountains, above the forest of Athel Loren.

9) If ever an unfortunate visitor comes to Athel Loren uninvited, he will likely already been spotted by waywatchers.

10) The opposite of Orion, she is the incarnation of Isha and represents the very nature of Athel Loren itself.

11) Wood Elves – The ruthless Asrai abandoned their kin to both protect and restrain the strange sentient forest of Athel Loren in the Old World.

12) Finubar sailed to the Old World and found that the humans had some measure of civilization, and rediscovered the Asrai of Athel Loren.

13) The survivors of these migrated to the forest of Athel Loren and became the Asrai, or Wood Elves, slowly integrating themselves with this sentient forest and its denizens.

14) In recent years, she and the forest creatures that serve her have taken to attacking villages around Athel Loren, leaving no survivors and showing no mercy.

example sentences with Athel

15) She hates all who enter into Athel Loren, and blames the Wood Elves for all the evils that threaten the enchanted forest.

16) At midnight, Athel Loren goes utterly silent – not a creature stirs – for all know that the ride of the Wild Hunt has come.

17) They live in the Grey Mountains, or on the very highest treetops of Athel Loren and have a special connection with elves.

18) Dryads will lure intruders off roads and trails, then let their sharp branches and thorns teach the intruder the folly of trespassing in Athel Loren.

19) Also found in the forest are'spites'- the lowest form of spirits Athel Loren has to offer, who attach themselves to a unit, place or character and which confer a wide variety of unusual benefits.

20) Athel Loren, the enchanted forest of the Wood Elves, is ruled by two powerful elves called Ariel and Orion who are possessed by deities which are manifestations of aspects of nature.

21) However many of the colonists felt little loyalty towards that distant land and, having formed a bond with the woods of Athel Loren, chose to remain.

22) Setting sail from their homeland of Ulthuan, an island-continent in the ocean to the west, the High Elves colonised the lands later inhabited by men, including the forest of Athel Loren.

23) Many Elves did return but others, such as those in Athel Loren, refused to abandon their adopted homeland and stayed on in the Old World.

24) The Elves that live here are a strange, fey breed with more kinship to the Wood Elves of Athel Lothern in the Old World than many in Ulthuan.

25) "Tree Kin" is the name given to the spirits of Athel Loren that bond themselves with dead trees to create an abominable, moving tree monster.

26) Athel Loren has a wide variety of steeds to choose from- a Highborn could ride on anything from a well-trained horse to an enchanted forest dragon

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