
Athanasius in a sentence

1) Athanasius stood virtually alone against the world.

2) The funeral service was conducted by Mar Athanasius.

3) Mar Athanasius was a social reformer also.

4) Athanasius' biography helped propagate Anthony's ideals.

Athanasius example sentences

5) Athanasius was condemned and exiled at the end of 335.

6) Athanasius" audio resource by Dr. Michael Reeves.

7) The humble Athanasius wrote (this).

8) All major Christian denominations which officially recognize saints venerate Athanasius.

9) Throughout most of his career, Athanasius had many detractors.

10) The Cathedral of St Athanasius was completed in 1933.

11) Mar Athanasius put an end to all these.

12) Athanasius Kircher proposed his precursor of germ theory.

13) Thomas Mar Athanasius was then the Metropolitan.

14) Athanasius eventually spent most of his life battling against Arianism.

example sentences with Athanasius

15) Athanasius translated it, constituted me as the head of creation.

16) This mainly discusses the later controversy and only mentions Athanasius' form.

17) Athanasius has always been a controversial, if not divisive, figure.

18) In the first part, Athanasius attacks several pagan practices and beliefs.

19) He was known as "Athanasius Contra Mundum".

20) Pope Leo III has already been shown to have misquoted Athanasius.

21) Athanasius Kircher has also been credited for that.

22) Athanasius later became the Patriarch of Alexandria, Egypt in 328.

23) The author of the biography is Dr. Athanasius McVay.

24) Athanasius was not a speculative theologian.

25) Augustine and Athanasius were such men.

26) He refers to Athanasius as "Coryphæus of all.

27) Athanasius was apprenticed to a cobbler, who frequently beat him.

How to use Athanasius in a sentence

28) After about a year, Mar Athanasius left for India.

29) Mathews Mar Athanasius published the liturgy without the prayer to St. Mary.

30) Athanasius went to Simonopetra Monastery, but found no peace there.

31) Among the alumni of St. Athanasius was the celebrated Leo Allatius.

32) Stung by their rebuke, Athanasius went into seclusion for forty days.

33) Synopsis: Congratulates on his reconciliation with Athanasius.

34) Estimates of Athanasius' birth year vary from 293 to 296–298.

35) There are no records to show that Mathews Mar Athanasius was ever excommunicated.

36) Athanasius of Alexandria (293–373) helped to separate the terms.

37) Bishop (or Patriarch) Alexander ordained Athanasius a deacon in 319.

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