
Army aviator in a sentence

1) He became an Army aviator and helicopter pilot.

2) Until 1911, Foulois remained as the Army's sole aviator and innovator.

3) Of the 16 Army aviators involved in the project, six later became general officers.

4) Most of the Army aviators trained between the two World Wars attended this school.

Army aviator example sentences

5) He was the top graduate of his flight class and was designated an Army aviator in June 1976.

6) Maj. Crispin Burke is a U.S. Army aviator qualified in the UH-60 Blackhawk and the LUH-72 Lakota.

7) The 160th SOAR (A) consists of the Army's best-qualified aviators, Crew Chiefs and support soldiers.

8) Between 27 and 30 April she rescued 10 Army aviators from shallow water near the beaches of Toi Misaki, Kyushu.

9) Once again, lifeguard duty constituted her primary responsibility; and, on 5 August, she rescued six grateful Army aviators.

10) Lieutenant Sally D. Murphy, the first woman to qualify as an aviator in the Army, became the first female U.S. Army aviator and U.S. Army helicopter pilot.

11) In addition to 49 Air Corps officers were four Army officers, one from each of that service's combat arms, two Turkish Army aviators, one Mexican captain, and three Marine Corps aviators.

12) Shamrock's father abandoned his family and when Shamrock was five years old, his mother, divorced from Richard Kilpatrick, remarried an Army aviator named Bob Nance.

13) In the predawn darkness of 17 March, she torpedoed and sank "Samui", and on 2 April, she rescued an Army aviator who had been drifting in a rubber raft for 23 days.

14) A corporate lawyer by vocation, he became an early Army aviator and the organizer of both of the first units in what ultimately became the Air National Guard and the Air Force Reserve Command.

example sentences with aviator

15) Santini taught both Stringfellow and St. John how to fly, and both brothers showed particular talent as U.S. Army aviators during the Vietnam War.

16) Since the separation of the U.S. Army Air Force from the Army as the U.S. Air Force in 1947, Army flight surgeons have primarily focused on the health and fitness of the Army's rotary wing aviators.

17) He was the son of a World War One Army aviator and according to his Squadron Commander Jim Parsons 'he was an exceptional young man, very likeable but more aggressive than most'.

18) The first Army aviator to win the Medal of Honor in the Vietnam War was a member of the 227th Aviation Battalion.

19) "Three months later, I staggered out of that assignment about as burned out from sheer exhaustion as an Army aviator in good health can get.

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