Armorica in a sentence
1) The Roman province of Armorica thus had to face Saxon raids.
2) A migration of Celts appeared in the 4th century in Armorica .
3) Two waves of migrations took place to Armorica (Brittany) from Dumnonia.
Armorica example sentences
4) Armorica , which revolted from Roman rule in 409 and remained independent henceforth. 8.5) The Romans referred to this region as Armorica and the people as Gauls.
6) They established themselves in Armorica .
7) During the Roman period, Rennes served the province of Armorica as its transportation center.
8) During the Mesozoic and Tertiary, Jersey was part the north west edge of Armorica .
9) Many emigrated, and some settled in Armorica , (Brittany), France.
10) Assuming that Riothamus was a king in Britain as well as Armorica , he did both.
11) High King Uther Pendragon blames his son's death on Arthur and exiles him to Armorica .
12) He settled Alans around Valence in 440, and Aurelianum in 442 to contain unrest in Armorica .
13) That same year Aetius was probably in Armorica with Litorius to suppress a rebellion of the Bacaudae.
14) Simultaneously, Celtic Britons, fleeing the Anglo-Saxon settlement of Britain, settled the western part of Armorica .
15) In the 380s a large number of Britons in the Roman army may have been stationed in Armorica .
example sentences with Armorica
16) It was imported in Western Armorica during the 5th century by Britons fleeing the Anglo-Saxon invasion of Britain.17) Diodorus Siculus and Pliny both suggest trade between the rebel Celtic tribes of Armorica and Iron Age Britain flourished.
18) Pre-Brythonic Armorica includes the ancient megalith cultures in the area and the Celtic tribal territories that existed before Roman rule.
19) It is clear that some British people migrated to Europe, and Armorica in northwest Gaul became known as Brittany.
20) In 845, the Breton leader of Armorica , Nominoë, defeated Charles the Bald , and his Franks.
21) The province of Armorica (northwestern Gaul) had close links with Britain in the 5th and 6th centuries.
22) The Bacaudae in Armorica revolted again in 447 or 448, and were put down by the Alans of Goar.
23) Bretagne) was historically part of Celtic Gaul as Armorica (Gaulic for "Place by the Sea").
24) According to the comic, the Gaulish village where Asterix lives is in the Armorica peninsula, which is now Brittany.
25) However, the name " Armorica " persisted for some centuries and it had not fully disappeared until the 5th century.
26) A strong element of Alanic cavalry settled in Armorica influenced the fighting style of the Bretons down into the 12th century.
27) Later, Laighin tribes from Armorica (present-day Brittany) were said to have invaded Ireland and Britain more or less simultaneously.
28) Celtic self-awareness may be traced in the popular rebellions of the fifth century, especially in Armorica (Zosim. 6.5.3).
How to use Armorica in a sentence
29) Caesar says that in the aftermath he sent Crassus west to Armorica (Brittany) while he himself headed east to lay siege to the stronghold of the Aduatuci.30) After being banished to Armorica by his father High King Uther, Arthur returns to protect the new king, his nephew the baby Mordred.
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