Arizona in a sentence
1) Arizona may put state prisons in private hands.
2) Arizona issues permits through a general permitting process.
3) And Arizona has sustained yet another black eye.
Arizona example sentences
4) Arizona football's home record is 258-139-12.5) The Arizona bill faces sharp public resistance .
6) Arizona's current "papers please" law.
7) Credit union auto loan ma Arizona auto loan rates car loan.
8) Arizona lawmakers have boosted cigarette prices to around.
9) Arizona is ground zero in the latest culture clash.
10) Arizona has done none of these things.
11) Arizona is a state with diverse cultures.
12) Arizona entered the game as 211â„2 point favorites.
13) Arizona entered the game two touchdown favorites.
14) Arizona has a long and rich basketball history.
15) Arizona follows the prior appropriation doctrine for determining water rights.
example sentences with Arizona
16) Arizona has been frustrating to watch this season .17) Arizona thankfully has given me that opportunity.
18) Western Arizona has several outdoor places you must visit.
19) Arizona needs football players, and fans.
20) All fifteen Arizona counties levy a tax.
21) Uranium mining in Arizona has taken place since 1918.
22) Arizona has visited Oakland only once before.
23) All states except Arizona rejected the initiatives.
24) Arizona State went 7-5 in 2005.
25) Damage in Arizona totaled $500 million.
26) A small population has been established in southern Arizona .
27) The story is quite different in Arizona .
28) Arizona lost the game 66 -64.
How to use Arizona in a sentence
29) Arizona 's ideal weather was perfect for air flight.30) USC upsets 18 Arizona 24-21.
31) Arizona defeated Boston College 42-19.
32) The Arizona Cardinals won 17-13.
33) In 1994, Arizona was ranked 6.
34) Georgia defeats Arizona , 8-7.
35) In Arizona , anything crazy is possible.
36) Mexico is Arizona's top trading partner.
37) The lowest was Arizona's 4 percent.
38) This post has been included in Arizona real estate news mortgage.
39) This bird is very common in Arizona during spring and summer.
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