Arabist in a sentence
1) The Arabist listened to him calmly and nodded several times.
2) For heavens sake, shes a Sovietologist, not an Arabist !
3) A succession of Arabists were appointed, starting with Professor A. L. Udovitch.
Arabist example sentences
4) Arabist Dr. Abdel El M. Husseini stated: "This translation is very problematic.5) Since May 2006, el-Hamalawy maintained a blog on the "The Arabist " website.
6) But the point remains: Mrs Thatcher was a lot less Arabist than the Foreign Office.
7) They had a son (Gerald Holgate Selous, diplomat and Arabist ) and twin daughters.
8) Eduard Glaser (15 March 1855 - 7 May 1908) was an Austrian Arabist and archeologist.
9) Arabist Prof. Dr. Thomas Bauer adds that the German image of the Orient is heavily shaped by stereotypes.
10) Arabist S.D. Goitein believes the leadership he displayed during the ransoming of the Crusader captives led to this appointment.
11) One of them was George Antonius, who was among one of the great Arabists of the twentieth century.
12) By contrast, officials in the northern provinces tended to be Arabists often drawn from the diplomatic and consular service.
13) The critic Guido Bellico was in the Reales Estudios de San Isidro with the eminent Arabist Mariano Pizzi.
14) At the Universidad de Zaragoza AsÃn had met and begun study under the Arabist Professor Julián Ribera y Tarragó.
15) This was why he systematically side-lined Arabists at the Foreign Office and ignored the advice of other Middle East experts .
example sentences with Arabist
16) Second, though some senior men at the Foreign Office are Arabist , there are other officials who balance their influence.17) According to Bell, Lord Moyne was known to the underground as an Arabist who had consistently followed an anti-Zionist line.
18) But the Pentagon and the White House mistrusted the State Department, which was filled with Arabists and thus ideologically suspect.
19) The OSP also recruited several Middle East experts, including Harold Rhode, a protégé of the Princeton Arabist Bernard Lewis.
20) The new Arabist leader would assert his belief in the Kurds as distinct and equal ethnic group in Iraq with political rights.
21) In the universities, a new generation of Spanish Arabists was emerging, such as Emilio GarcÃa Gómez, influenced by AsÃn.
22) In 1923 Van Der Meulen applied for the post of consul there and was selected for a three-year training in Arabic and Islam by the great Leiden Arabist , Snouck Hurgronje.
23) Twenty years ago, the former head of Israeli military intelligence, Yehoshaphat Harkabi, also a leading Arabist , made a point that still holds true.
24) On a splendid April day in Paris, I went to lunch with Gilles Kepel, the Arabist scholar, and Jean-Louis Bruguière, the doughty French counter-terrorism judge.
25) By that time, Philby, the son of a noted Arabist and colleague of T.E. Lawrence, had defected to Russia, where he lived out his days.
26) Although the September issue of the journal was not signed for the press until 15 August 1974, the article, written by an Arabist then working at the USA Institute, Vik.
27) In 2006, he left "The Arabist " to set up his own website named "3arabawy" ("the Bedouin") which has since been one of Egypt's most popular blogs.
28) He is married to Arabist and photographer Mariantonietta Peru, with whom he has a son and a daughter, Burton and Jade.
How to use Arabist in a sentence
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