
American author in a sentence

1) American author wrote both poetry and prose, including novels.

2) American author noted for his pessimistic and satirical novels.

3) Ken Blanchard is an American author and management expert.

4) Matthew Quick – American author of young adult and fiction novels.

American author example sentences

5) A quick trip to wikipedia shows that both are American sci-fi authors.

6) Francis Ray, 68, American author.

7) To me, that is providing incentives for American authors.

8) The style of influenced a generation of Latin American authors.

9) Leighton Gage, 71, American crime author, pancreatic cancer.

10) David Eddings, 77, American fantasy author.

11) Elizabeth Winthrop is a well-known, award-winning American author.

12) Harold Sherman, American author, lecturer and psychical researcher.

13) Neal Barrett, Jr., 84, American author.

14) James Gleick, an American nonfiction author of several award-winning books.

example sentences with author

15) Kathleen McGowan, an American author, lyricist and screenwriter.

16) He was named after American author and philosopher, Ralph Waldo Emerson.

17) Annie Nathan Meyer – American author and promoter of higher education for women.

18) Cullen Hightower, 84, American author of quips and quotes.

19) Dorothy Frooks, American author, publisher, military figure and actress.

20) Although published several years ago, this anthology of American authors deserves some attention.

21) June 14 – Peter McWilliams, American author (born 1949).

22) Offerings alternate between British and American authors every semester that the course is offered.

23) Paul O. Williams, 74, American science fiction author, aortic dissection.

24) This was recently seen in the case of American author and actor James Franco.

25) Richard Thomas (born November 21, 1967) in an American author.

26) Like many an American author, Toffler is completely intoxicated with his own jargon.

27) Frank Schaeffer is an American author, film director, screenwriter and public speaker.

How to use author in a sentence

28) John Perkins ( b. January 28, 1945) is an American author.

29) Bartlett was the first American author to be included on the Dufour list.

30) Melanie Morgan, American author, columnist, political commentator, and radio personality.

31) Peg Kehret (née Schulze), American author.

32) Biography or Autobiography – for a distinguished biography or autobiography by an American author.

33) Fiction – for distinguished fiction by an American author, preferably dealing with American life.

34) March 10 – Barbara Cooney, American author and illustrator (born 1917).

35) The change of name indicated the shift to a broader agenda than just American authors.

36) Joyce Carol Oates (born June 16, 1938) is an American author.

37) Martha Mason, 71, American author, lived 60 years in an iron lung.

38) The blind American author was accused of plagiarism in 1892 with regard to the short story.

39) Sun Yat-sen was also the godfather of American author and poet Cordwainer Smith.

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