
AWA in a sentence

1) It is a 200mm lens AWA signal.

2) Three tube models were made by AWA.

3) Right" AWA Delta 3 controller ticking away - literally.

4) See, she is putting the roses awa.

AWA example sentences

5) She was very confused on what i AWAs talking about.

6) Certain conditions are also excluded from coverage by AWA.

7) Hogan wasn't alone in leaving the AWA.

8) The AWA would fold the following year.

9) Ko te AWA ko au" (I am the river.

10) Fact is, the government is p1ssing £billions awa.

11) Example of a different style neon signal - AWA?.

12) AWA and Alba have also resumed a commercial relationship.

13) All footage for the AWA is owned by WWE.

14) AWA is proud to celebrate over 100 years in the technology business.

example sentences with AWA

15) Right: 300mm AWA lanterns suspended from the mast arm.

16) AWA continued in maritime operations supplying marine radio operators to Australian registered vessels.

17) Keyboardist AWA left the band in fall of 2012.

18) Hogan left in 1983, irreparably damaging the AWA.

19) The USDA enforces the AWA and conducts regular inspections.

20) AWA continued to have major involvement in the Australian defence electronics industry.

21) He even challenged Stan Hansen for the AWA
22) Te Ati Awa, too were hungry.

23) AWAs: It is situated about 16 km away from Alibag.

24) The site later became an AWA factory producing radio valves and other components.

25) Restored AWA and yet to be restored 300mm Eagle.

26) Spokesmen from Da'AWA were skeptical about these claims.

27) Click here to read Brenton Awa's article.

How to use AWA in a sentence

28) He is a one-time AWA Southern Heavyweight Champion.

29) LeDuc departed the AWA in September 1976.

30) The Fabulous Ones wrestled in the AWA in 1984 until early 1985.

31) Cross claims by DRT against three AWA non-executive directors were dismissed.

32) The AWA's are pretty amazing.

33) Zbyszko was thus the new AWA World Heavyweight Champion.

34) In 1988 this company was merged into AWA Defence Industries of Australia.

35) Race returned to the AWA in 1984 to wrestle Curt Hennig.

36) Two new members joined the band, bassist OX and keyboardist Awa.

37) Although aging, most of the AWA's longtime core talent still remained.

38) A Coalition Government will not reintroduce AWA's.

39) The AWA stopped performing in Manitoba.

40) The AWA
AWA ceased operations in 1991.

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