
ATM transaction in a sentence

1) The debit card therefore is mostly used for ATM transactions .

2) The debit card was mostly used for ATM transactions .

ATM collocations
3) You can only request an email receipt at the time you perform an ATM transaction .

4) That's why we developed our Total Access Checking Account with unlimited FREE ATM transactions nationwide.

ATM transaction example sentences

5) The " My Wallet" feature transfers all your ATM transactions to the wallet section of the app.

6) Foreign transaction fee : 2% of each foreign purchase transaction or foreign ATM advance transaction in U.S. Dollars.

7) The scheme sees a new dimension in charity giving with the public being able to make a donation with their ATM transactions .

8) Sensitive data in ATM transactions are usually encrypted with DES, but transaction processors now usually require the use of Triple DES.

9) Many banks also offer ATM fee reimbursements with a high yield checking account, which can save you money. (more on how to save money on ATM transactions ).

10) ATM transactions could not be carried out in several parts of India on 26 July or 27 July due to failure of the connectivity with their central systems located in Mumbai.

11) It suggests that the future of ATM transactions lies in contactless cards, biometric security, and smartphone withdrawals instead of traditional ATM cards.

12) It is also not limited to the monitoring of bank records, ATM transactions or phone and email conversations which are accumulated and placed in a folder on an agents computer.

13) A quarterly statement will be sent to the customer, however if the account shows electronic activity (i.e. direct deposit or ATM transactions ) a monthly statement will be sent.

14) ATM transactions averaging $50 (NYT, mid-Feb.)

example sentences with ATM

15) Unlimited FREE ATM transactions nationwide 1

16) Unlimited FREE ATM transactions nationwide 1

17) However, there is a 'Zero Liability' applicable for your ATM / Debit Cards for fraudulent Point of Sale transactions, not ATM transactions .

18) Unauthorized general-purpose PIN debit and ATM card transactions made up 0.008 percent of all such transactions in 2012 (accounting for 0.028 percent of the value of those transactions). 55

19) • Providing a one-time password ( OTP) to authorize an ATM transaction by replacing the traditional card and PIN used to perform an ATM transaction.

20) • Providing a one-time password ( OTP) to authorize an ATM transaction by replacing the traditional card and PIN used to perform an ATM transaction .

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