
ATM gene in a sentence

1) One very important member of that internal system is the ATM gene .

2) The ATM gene covers 150 kb of DNA and is spread over 64 exons.

ATM collocations
3) The TP53 gene and the ATM gene play a critical role in the behavior of CLL cells.

4) Defects in TP53 gene (and to some extent its side-kick the ATM gene ) means "virtually no responses to either alkylator or purine analog therapy".

ATM gene example sentences

5) Carriers of A-T, such as the parents of a person with A-T, have one mutated copy of the ATM gene and one normal copy.

6) Looking for mutations in the ATM gene of an unrelated person (for example, the spouse of a known A-T carrier) presents significant challenges.

7) Prenatal diagnosis (and carrier detection) can be carried out in families if the errors (mutation) in an affected child's two ATM genes have been identified.

8) Women who are A-T carriers (who have one mutated copy of the ATM gene ), have approximately a two-fold increased risk for the development of breast cancer compared to the general population.

9) A-T is caused by a defect in the ATM gene, which is responsible for managing the cell's response to multiple forms of stress including double-strand breaks in DNA.

10) Deletions of the long arm on chromosome 11 (del 11q) are also unfavorable although not to the degree seen with del 17p. The abnormality targets the ATM gene and occurs infrequently in CLL (5–10%).

11) He had to find out more about this 11q / ATM gene, why it was so darn important. ( Cytogenetics of ATM and P53 ; The TP53 gene ).

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