
ASTM in a sentence

1) ASTM has 30,000 technical experts in 150 countries.

2) A concerned homeowner can employ ASTM radon mitigation and removal techniques.

ASTM collocations
3) The ASTM E 399 test method reflects this viewpoint.

4) The ASTM has yet to replace this standard.

ASTM example sentences

5) These classes differ from the ASTM classes.

6) California bearing ratio : ASTM D 1883.

7) See ASTM D-149 and D-150.

8) All of Lifetimes basketball systems meet ASTM safety standards.

9) ASTM D 4138 outlines a standard method for this measurement system.

10) The ASTM standard used by oxo producers is just a guideline.

11) Blind hole drilling was performed in accordance with ASTM E837.

12) ASTM provides the detailed procedures for performing the Hydrometer test.

13) This is described in standard ASTM D3933.

14) This test is a modified version of ASTM D3450.

example sentences with ASTM

15) Bacteria analysis is typically conducted following ASTM method F1094.

16) The SEDL includes all current ASTM standards!

17) This data led to the recent revisions to ASTM D4774.

18) It is supported by the standards development organizations ASTM and AIIM.

19) Soil suction tests : ASTM D5298.

20) Direct shear test : ASTM D3080.

21) Meets ASTM D4956 type I specification.

22) ASTM F22 describes a version of this test.

23) ASTM" 58} pp. 1101-1120.

24) Typically these are designed with ASTM A-36 properties.

25) Pencil hardness was performed according to ASTM D3363.

26) Cost estimate classifications have been published by ASTM and AACE International.

27) The susceptibility to crevice corrosion can be evaluated with ASTM standard procedures.

How to use ASTM in a sentence

28) AREA and ASTM specified maximum phosphorus concentration of 0.04 percent.

29) Standard procedures are described by ASTM.

30) Compliance with Standards: Meets ASTM Standard C475.

31) Propane and other LP gas specifications are established in ASTM D-1835.

32) A standard ASTM E 1527-05 does not include asbestos surveys as standard practice.

33) ASTM International publishes standards on the composition and manufacturing of galvanic anodes.

34) AREA and ASTM specified 0.1 to 0.23 percent silicon.

35) Reinforcing bars ASTM A615 Grade 40.

36) Unconfined compression test : ASTM D2166.

37) This material is roughly 54% renewable carbon, verified by ASTM D6866.

38) The Skycatcher received its ASTM LSA approval in July 2009.

39) Sodium Chloride has an international standard that is created by ASTM International.

40) Key Concepts There are several key terms that are used in ASTM E1300.

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