Use 'selfish' in a sentence | 'selfish' example sentences
51- The guy was too
selfish to resist temptation.
52- They have a less
selfish reason for trying it.
53- The
selfish man was despised by his colleagues.
54- She is acting from some
selfish motive.
55- molnarorsoA
selfish man thinks of nothing but his own feelings.
56- I think the message of the play was that people today are too
selfish and individualistic.
57- He's completely convinced of his own greatness but to the people around him he's just a
selfish jerk.
58- In the book, the President is depicted as a very
selfish, arrogant man who will stop at nothing to gain power.
59- Richard Dawkins once stated that we are survival machines - robot vehicles blindly programmed to preserve the
selfish molecules known as genes.
60- It was to say that going to the station was too much of a bother after all so I should come to the hotel she's staying at.
61- Good grief, what a
selfish woman!Gustave Flaubert once said that to be stupid,
selfish, and have good health are three requirements for happiness, though if stupidity is lacking, all is lost.
62- 959171You get the feeling that (Steve's) a greedy,
selfish egomaniac."
63- “We are shareholders, not ‘
selfish’ shareholders,†Fischer said by e-mail.
64- Bella's owner says she signed up for clinical trials out of
selfish reasons.
65- 102051Because when it comes to health care, I'm
selfish - I think most of us are.
66- “You should not be used by individuals for
selfish gains because of your love for money.
67- Most parents have told their teens to stop being
selfish and to think about someone else.
68- I did a good job of getting my teammates involved, finding my guys and not being
69- This is the most animal part of our brains, primarily concerned with our own
selfish survival.
70- Ironically, you have to be
selfish if you want to be generous with other people when they trigger you.
71- If you were persistently
selfish, acquisitive , and careless of the general good you gradually became too unpopular.
72- It was eminent for treachery, intrigue and
selfish aggrandizement .
73- Be ambitious not for money or for
selfish aggrandizement , not for that evanescent thing which men call fame.
74- It then means that those who clamour for power in the North do so for their own
selfish aggrandisement .
75- I agree about saying no to avoid having
selfish children!
76- "
selfish DNA: homing endonucleases find a home".
77- He is cowardly, lazy,
selfish, gullible, and not particularly intelligent.
78- Richard Dawkins recounts in The
selfish Gene that the repeated exclamation "Rule, Britannia!
79- However, she can sometimes be a little
selfish, but helps her friends out by dressing up as characters as diverse as a princess and a superheroine.
80- Cher was considerably more
selfish and less optimistic in the film than she was in the series, where she was portrayed as more naturally caring and positive.
81- " In volume 58, "
selfish Genes and Social Darwinism" (1983), Midgley replied again, saying: "Apology is due, not only for the delay but for the impatient tone of my article.
82- He is
selfish and often involves Sookie in his troubles.
83- However, close analysis reveals that he is not
selfish when it comes to food.
84- He saw his Tetrarchic system implode, torn by the
selfish ambitions of his successors.
85- He engages in impulsive,
selfish, disruptive, and malevolent schemes, almost evil personified.
86- He is also ill-tempered, self-important, overbearing, scheming, two-faced, abusive,
selfish, and thievish.
87- †Sibi-Okumu satirises, somewhat prophetically for Kenya, the risks of
selfish politics to social stability.
88- Lissa's other friend Kyndra is meanwhile enjoying a career as a soul singer, often described as a
selfish diva.
89- Max Bialystock Unreferenced Max Bialystock is described as
selfish and greedy - a man who is only interested in making money.
90- Jehovah's people need to be on guard against apostates and other wicked men who use trickery or cunning for
selfish purposes.
91- " And here is the most recent one (by R. Graves ): "She was malicious, cruel, spiteful, lecherous, drunken,
selfish, obstinate.
92- However, In-wook is not willing to take Young-joo back as he feels that she does not love him but rather wants to possess him out of her own
selfish reasons.
93- In his dying words, Gerard reveals that Fatima also controls a portion of undead servants of her own, having long since forsaken the land of Cavalier for her own
selfish goals.
94- She has a very
selfish personality but is friendly when she has to be.
95- He is
selfish, bitter towards those who have little money and knows little about love.
96- We are all
selfish machines and we all have natural tendencies to want, love, and take.
97- In popular discourse, "narcissism" is a widely-used term for a range of
selfish behaviors.
98- Diana is a vain and
selfish woman who is obsessed with finding the secret of eternal youth.
99- He says he is, and seems to be popular, but a jerk instead, as he is conniving,
selfish and mean.
100- Occasionally showing a
selfish streak, Kit sometimes put his dreams ahead of those of his friends.
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selfie stick -
selfing -
selfish -
selfish behaviour -
so selfish -
selfishly -
unselfish -
selfishness -
selfless -
selflessly -
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